Spanish Pundit (II)

noviembre 25, 2008

El traficante de armas sirio, Monzer Al-Kassar, condenado por vender armas a las FARC


Syrian-born Monzer al-Kassar, 62, and a co-defendant, Luis Felipe Moreno Godoy, were convicted of conspiring over a four-month period last year to try to sell millions of dollars worth of heavy weaponry to Colombian militants.
(…) U.S. authorities said al-Kassar was willing to sell surface-to-air missile systems, rocket-propelled grenade launchers, thousands of machine guns and millions of rounds of ammunition to Colombian rebels.
(…) An indictment unsealed last year said al-Kassar had provided military equipment to violent factions in Nicaragua, Brazil, Cyprus, Bosnia, Croatia, Somalia, Iran and Iraq. It said his customers included known terrorist organizations determined to stage «attacks on United States interests and United States nationals.»
Al-Kassar was acquitted in Spain of supplying assault rifles used by Palestinian militants in the 1985 hijacking of the Italian cruise ship Achille Lauro. The hijackers killed 69-year-old New Yorker Leon Klinghoffer, dumping his body and wheelchair overboard.

Al fin….le han pillado con el carrito de las armas a gran escala. Quería el julai vender sistemas de misiles tierra-aire, cohetes lanza-granadas, miles de armas automáticas y millones de balas y otra munición para todos ellos para… las FARC. |-) Angelito…

Este fue otro a quien Garzón dejó escapar después de haberle acusado de vender los rifles de asalto usados por los militantes palestinos que en 1985 secuestraron el Achille Lauro. Durante el secuestro, tiraron por la borda a Leon Klinghoffer, que iba en silla de ruedas. (

Detenido Monzer Al-Kassar

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