Spanish Pundit (II)

febrero 25, 2008

Sudán renueva los ataques aéreos sobre Darfur

Una vez que los jihadis han conquistado Chad y de facto, han quedado a la ONU sin poder defender a los habitantes de Darfur, el ataque no se ha hecho esperar.

BBC NEWS | Africa | Sudan ‘renews Darfur air strikes’

The Sudanese military is said to have renewed its aerial bombing campaign in the west of the Darfur region. The joint United Nations African Union mission in Sudan, Unamid, said it had received reports of aerial bombings in the Jebel Moun area of the region. A Unamid spokesman said there was grave concern for the safety of thousands of civilians in the area. The reports came as China’s envoy for Darfur, Liu Guijin, began a five-day visit to the country to push for peace. China has come under increasing pressure to use its influence with Sudan to end the fighting.

En cuanto al papel de China, sigue siendo cuando menos criticable, especialmente cuando el mismísimo Ministro de Exteriores sudanés ha alabado su papel a la hora de resolver la cuestión de Darfur. Por supuesto, la prensa oficial china lo publica, para intentar contrarrestar la catarata de críticas que tiene internacionalmente, especialmente después de que Steven Spielberg haya dimitido de su puesto como asesor de imagen de los Juegos Olímpicos de Pekín.

Y, por supuesto, el enviado chino a quien quiere presionar NO es a Sudán (¿Dónde están los de No más sangre por petróleo? Ahh, no, que esto es China…) si no a los rebeldes de Darfur para que vuelvan a las conversaciones. Interesante que esto se produzca ahora: para el 2011 está previsto el referendum de independencia de Darfur, en el que previsiblemente ganaría la opción de separarse definitivamente de Sudán… y de llevarse los pozos de petróleo consigo, algo que el régimen de Jartún no puede tolerar. La oposición sudanesa no se fía mucho de Jartún y piensa que algo iba a hacer para impedir que el referendum se celebrase o para que el resultado no les fuera adverso.

El enviado además ha defendido la venta de armas a Sudán, diciendo que «sólo asciende al 8% del total de la compra de armas de Sudán». Sin embargo, se le olvida un pequeño detalle: la colaboración y apoyo continuados prestado por China desde 2004 (esto es, desde que se empezó a hablar de lo que allí pasaba) al régimen de Jartún h/t The Sudanese Thinker.

Sudanese Government has renewed its air attacks over Darfur according to the UN-African Union mission on the African country. After the conquest of Chad by the Islamists without any kind of consideration by international MSM, the Islamist regime in Khartoum knows it has free way to continue the genocide without any organization being able to stop it.

At the same time, today the Chinese envoy to Sudan has began a visit to the country. The Sudanese FM has praised the Chinese (wrong)doing in the country, something which has been published with great pride by Chinese official media, after Spielberg announced he was resigning from his post in the Beijing Olympics’ organization.

Of course, the Chinese envoy considers that the Darfur rebels must be pressed to go back to the talks (talks which have proved absolutely useless…), NOT the Sudanese Government. It’s interesting to note that a referendum of independence is scheduled for 2011, in which presumably the independence would win, something which would cause that the Darfurians would have the oil for themselves, something that Khartoum does not like much. Darfurian opposition does not trust the Government much and believes it is going to do what they can for the referendum not to take place.

The envoy has also defended the weapons’ sales to Sudan, considering that they amount «for only the 8% of the total bought by Khartoum». But he forgets a little detail: the continued collaboration and support that China has given Sudanese regime since 2004 (that is, since the UN and Western countries began speaking about what it was happening there) h/t The Sudanese Thinker.

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  1. Un avance en la lucha contra el genocidio en Darfur…

    El día de mañana será anunciada la sentencia de la Corte Penal Internacional en el juicio contra el Presidente de Sudán Omar al-Bashir.
    La Corte fue creada por el Estatuto de Roma el 01 de julio del año 2002 y desde entonces se ha abierto procesos…

    Trackback por Homo Homini Lupus — marzo 4, 2009 @ 3:28 am | Responder

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