Spanish Pundit (II)

diciembre 13, 2008

Greek riots spread to other European cities

My first post for Roots is up and in English!!! Go over here to read it.

junio 2, 2008

The seven islamists imprisoned at A Lama accused of March 11th bombings, ask for help to the prison’s Catholic priest

Los siete islamistas del 11-M presos en A Lama piden ayuda al capellán de la cárcel – Galicia – Faro de Vigo, thanks to Alawen:

The islamists who are imprisoned in the Galician prison of A Lama after being condemned because of the March 11th bombings, which killed 191 and hurt 1824 people, have asked the Catholic Church for help.

The seven imprisoned -sentenced from 12 to 23 years in jail- have interviewed themselves with the prison’s chaplain to try to reach their goals. Their target is to make the priest intercede in their behalf to benefit from pensions, company and ill people’s attention which can only be reached by the Penitentiary Catholic Service, whose boss is the priest. Volunteers of the Catholic Pastoral Service have confirmed the contacts.

Hamid Ahmidan, Abdelmajid Bouchar, Rachid Aglif, Mohamed Bouharrat, Sael el Harrak, Basel Ghalyoun and Mohamed Larbi Ben Sellam, arrived in the end of November 2007 to the Pontevedra’s prison. One of them knew it already, because he spent the time before the process in it, as «preventive imprisoned». He is Hamid Ahmidan, The Chinese‘s cousin, one of the seven suicide terrorist of Leganés and leader of the criminal organization whose benefits -primarily from the drug trafficking- contributed to the financing of the terrorist attacks.

The seven Islamists are in the same part of the prison and are isolated from the rest of the imprisoned population in individual cells. They only are entitled to four hours in the yard and to two hours to practice sports and study. The rest of the day they are in their cells.

The Islamists’ strategy to resort to the Catholic priests to improve their situation in prison, is not only used in A Lama. They already stated in their conversation with the priest that in the prisons they were before that moment, they had the assistance of Catholic priests.

A Lama’s chaplain, according to the same sources, did not have any problem to speak with them in what they described as a «first contact», because that is something it’s normally done with the imprisoned guys who apply for it, whether they are Catholic, Muslim or Agnostic.

«The main objective of all the Penitentiary Pastoral is the service and attention to the people who are deprived of freedom of their families, and their accompaniment and integration through workrooms, but that does not mean at all justifying their crimes or motives that could cause their internment in prison», the responsible of the program stated.

Football let them began to speak in the first meeting. Real Madrid, which had won the Spanish League those days, and the situation of the Barcelona centered the first part of the conversation between the Islamists of the March 11th terrorist attacks and the A Lama’s chaplain.

After that, the imprisoned Islamists got interested in the possibility that the priest interceded for them to get benefits through the Penitentiary Pastoral to have the opportunity of receiving personal mail.

In Spain the packages for the inmates, even if they are duly inspected, before reaching them, cannot be sent by mail and should be given by hand. A job which is done generously by the team of laic volunteers to whom it’s solicited for not having any relatives or because they live far away. 

Even if the risk exists of recurring to one of their main enemies, the Catholic Church, to clean their image, the help petitions to Penitentiary Pastoral are something very regular among the elevated number of Muslim inmates (around 200, nearly 80% of all the foreign inmates in A Lama). Most of them are Moroccans or Algerians which are sheltered in their leave days in apartments which belong to the pastoral team.

Father Isaac, the chaplain of the Pontevedra’s prison of A Lama, is cautious when being asked about the contacts maintained and states that this was only the first meeting, that it will be continued. About the fact that this group could have interviewed themselves with an Imam and not with a Catholic priest, he answers that there is freedom of belief inside the prison, «according to the Constitution» and they could have spoken with imams.

«The team of the Penitentiary Pastoral provides humanitarian and social help to the people that needs it and applies for it without asking about their religion«, he assures. «It’s a humanitarian service for the inmates. We don’t ask them about their crimes«, he concludes.

As Alawen says in the post, that gave me the tip, what a difference with this.
Todos los enlaces están en español y cada uno puede sacar las conclusiones que considere oportunas. 

abril 20, 2008

New Spanish Defence Minister wants to limit the freedom of expression of military men in missions abroad (+)

Filed under: In English,Política de Defensa,PSOE,Spain,Zapatero — Nora @ 7:45 pm

El Confidencial Digital h/t Elentir:

«As we have already reported from these pages -you can see here the original- the Defense Minister, who is now directed by Carmen Chacón, is annoyed by some military men who are reporting about the real situation of the soldiers in the foreign missions they are taking part, using internet forums and blogs. The disonant opinions are also been registered.

According to sources from the Defense Minister interviewed by El Confidencial Digital, the order to investigate the military corps has already reached the Civil Guard. The received order consists in identifying all the military men who are using a nick.

Some sources are pointing out that, till now, they are only advised to abandon that practice, while cautioning them that «if they relapse in this attitude, it could bring them serious consequences». So the members of the Civil Guard are now digging for information about these military men.»

So this is marvellous: the Civil Guard, a State paramilitary organization with one of the best records worldwide in persecuting criminals, are now persecuting soldiers over their ideas posted in internet. This is not only tragic, it’s a mockery about both the Army (since when someone can be persecuted because of considering Lebanon’s mission is not a «mission of peace» but a WAR? because that’s the sort of thing they are advising soldiers not to blog about) and the Civil Guard, whose resources are not focused on persecuting criminals but on persecuting blogging soldiers.

No, the only thing you are allowed to do is to praise our beloved leader Zapatero.

This is a total shame. My opinion of this ECOPACIFIST Minister of Defense is worsening each day that passes. Not only her visit to Afghanistan has been only a part of a marketing strategy, considering her support from a moonbat artist who last year said «he pissed on Spain, the bitch country«, but, as she is 7-month pregnant, she has travelled there with a pediatrician, an obstetrician and an anesthetist, payed of course from the Spanish budget, just in case she was giving birth to her son. You know, as very other pregnant woman employed in the Army or in Civil Service if they are sent to a foreign country.

And then they will insist we are equal…

PS: Spanish Army is divided in the «Armada», that is, the Navy, and the Air and the Ground (Tierra) Army. Civil Guard does not belong to the Army (in that sense, we can consider it «paramilitary«) but its members have the same status as the Army soldiers. The difference, as it shows, is only based on the State’s organization chart.

(+) Patricia ha escrito un muy buen articulo sobre la cuestión en Aragón Liberal:

Para este tipo de investigaciones, la Guardia Civil
suele emplear a la unidad de Ciberterrorismo, dependiente del Servicio
de Información, o bien al Grupo de Delitos Telemáticos de que dispone
la Benemérita, me parece que se equivoca de enemigos, los terroristas
no están en el ejercito, están fuera, alguno incluso ostenta la
alcaldía de un pueblo … por poner un ejemplo.

Y gracias por incluir una dirección al grupo de google.

abril 17, 2008

An ETA’s bomb explodes in one of the PSOE’s offices in Bilbao (+)

Filed under: ETA,In English,terrorism,terrorismo,Zapatero — Nora @ 6:17 am

Estalla una bomba de ETA en la sede socialista de un barrio de Bilbao –

Seven ertzainzas have been hurt in the explosion this morning, around 6:00 am, of a device located in the surroundings of the People’s House in the Bilbao’s quarter of La Peña, according to some sources from the Erztaitza.

Around 5:oo a.m. an Ertzainza’s patrol discovered a suspicious briefcase in Ibaialde St. around its No. 5, so they dislodged and cordoned off the surroundings. Half and hour later, the Association for the Help in Highways received a call from ETA cautioning that at 6:00 in the morning a device would explode near the building.

Seven agents from Ertzaintza police have been slightly wounded in the explosion. Some of them present bruises, ear-aches or hits from cristals dur to the explosion.

No people have been reported dead, but there are huge material damages in the near-by area in both in cars and buildings.

Others reporting: BBC (keeps on calling ETA a «separatist» not a TERRORIST group), CNN -you know, Ted «Global Warming will create Canibalism» Turner’s @#€@ of TV-: «ETA blamed for Bilbao bomb blast» (yes, you idiots, there was a claim of responsibility: actually ETA called announcing it was THEIR bomb…), Homeland Security National Terror Alert.


The attack was immediately condemned by the Socialist party.

«ETA must know that it will make no political gains with violence, because in a democratic country like Spain, nothing can be gained by violently disrupting democratic and lawful norms,» the party said in a statement.

Dealing with ETA is one of the main challenges facing Socialist Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero in his second term in office.

Yeah, after March 11th bombings we all know terrorists know there is nothing to be gained by «violently disrupting democratic and lawful norms»… If this would be a film, I would be laughing heartily. As it is the normal life, I am fed up with moonbats stating stupid things without doing nothing, but spending public money.

Traduzco porque lo del Partido Socialista es la pera limonera: comunicado de condena del atentado:

ETA debe saber que no obtendrá ningún beneficio político de la violencia porque en un país democrático como España, nada puede ganarse mediente la ruptura de las normas democráticas y legales«.

¿Ahora resulta que hay normas ilegales, alegales o paralegales a las que España deba someterse? ¿Y qué tal normas no-democráticas? El comunicado, ¿lo redactó Pepiño?

Otros enlaces de interés: La Vanguardia (remarks there is an Alsatian dog also hurt by the bomb), El Mundo (adds the explosion has blown up a water pipe which some workers are trying to mend right now), El País (reports that the device had a paper on it in which it could be read «caution: bomb» -?¿//” porque contiene errores.-, Diario Metro, (it adds that the letters in the package were painted with white paint or chalk), La Nación, El Mundo (la bomba estaba compuesta por cinco kilos de explosivo… pero da igual, llevaba el cartelito para que la gente supiera lo que era).

Pero ¿desde cuándo una bomba lleva un letrero que pone «cuidado, bomba«? ¿Eta está dirigida por el fantasma de Gila? ¿la próxima llevará un letrero que ponga «cuidado, hace pupita«? //” porque contiene errores. No, no estoy bromeando. ¿Alguien se acuerda de la aventura de Sherlock Holmes de los «Bailarines» (aquí en español)? Pero ¿alguien se cree que un terrorista serio iba a poner eso en una bomba? ¿Estamos tontos o qué?

Y luego si os fijáis en la captura de pantalla de la CNN dice «Era una bomba auténtica«, según el consejero de Interior del Gobierno vasco. Hmm, ¿hay alguna sospecha de que fuera un petardo o el pedo de un vecino? ¿O era necesario aclararlo después del cartel «cuidado, bomba«? //” porque contiene errores. …. -y que conste, escribo esto sin ningún tipo de cachondeo o ánimo de burla, es sólo una reflexión sobre algo muy grave: estos dos datos parecen en sí muy «graciosillos» y no lo son en absoluto-.

No soy especialista en contraterrorismo, pero si hay algo que tengo claro es que los terroristas quieren que se les tome en serio, no a cachondeo. Precisamente porque su labor es imponer una política o unas ideas políticas mediante el terror, se abstienen de poner mentecateces: necesitan resultar creíbles. Pero parece que ahora no lo son suficientemente. ¿Por qué si no el consejero de Interior tiene que aclarar que es auténtica una bomba que ha herido a SIETE policías ertzaintzas y ha producido cuantiosos daños materiales? Insisto: ¿había alguna duda de que no lo fuese?

Le Figaro habla de que ayer fue la apertura de las Cortes, en la que el Rey pidió unidad frente al terrorismo… y:

Zapatero ha propuesto una estrategia de unidad con la oposición conservadora y con «la misma» del resto de las fuerzas políticas (¿hay dos clases de oposición? ¿el PP es conservador o es «qué miedo, la propaganda no me entiende, yo soy de centro»?) lo que ha hecho una de las prioridades de su Gobierno. El jefe de los conservadores Mariano Rajoy (¿pero el partido no era de centro y vale yá? Mariano, reclama que te han llamado conservador y eso es un grannnnnn insulto, sobre todo para Gallardón, que sois todos de centro…) se declara abierto a esta oferta, aunque ha pedido que la clarifique (Zapatero, ¿ha clarificado algo en los 4 años en los que ha sido presidente? ¿O se ha limitado a describir con sinónimos más publicitarios lo que ocurre? Como con el trasvase, vaya).

Más reacciones en La Razón.

Bono, en la línea con el comunicado, ha puesto al pueblo español de ejemplo:

El presidente del Congreso, José Bono, ha explicado que para ser socialista en el País Vasco es necesario «un coraje y una fuerza especial», ya que «sólo por tener el carnet» de militante se cuenta con «el odio de estos asesinos». Además, ha comentado que los gobernantes «de la derecha y de la izquierda, de los grupos mayoritarios y minoritarios» deberían «tomar ejemplo» del pueblo español, que está «de acuerdo en que el único fin de ETA tiene que ser su desaparición, la entrega de las armas y la cárcel».

¿Eso a quién va dirigido? Porque la AVT y otros fachas-trioazoristas-aznaristas-bushistas…. y caca-culo-pedo-pis lo llevamos diciendo desde que tenemos uso de razón… y nada no había manera. Ahh, pero es Bono… ese gran demócrata de Cajjjjtillla-La Mancha…

Otros blogueando sobre esto: Santiago González, Harto.

Leed este artículo de Hermann Terstch

Tan sólo unas líneas para comentar mi enorme satisfacción de saber -por la carta que se publicó ayer en esta sección- que el comité de redacción de El País considera que «todos estamos en el mismo bando» y que «es de justicia reconocerlo». Nos referimos a la lucha contra ETA. Pero si tiene ese comité algo de memoria, habrá de recordar que ni su periódico ni su comité estuvieron en el mismo bando de los que no quisieron comulgar con las ruedas de molino del Gobierno de José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero durante la negociación con ETA. Cuando el presidente del Gobierno, la vicepresidenta, el ministro del Interior y tantos otros implicados en aquella desgraciada aventura del llamado «proceso de paz» aseguraban,

  1. primero que se cumplían las condiciones para la negociación (mentira) y,
  2. después, que se habían roto las negociaciones tras el atentado de la T-4 (mentira también) hubo muchos periodistas en España que alzaron la voz contra esta intoxicación continua.

O sea, que ahora resulta que, como ha dicho Bono, todos los demócratas, incluso los malos malosos conservadores partidarios de la AVT, que vamos a las manifestaciones contra ETA…. uhhh, ¡¡¡resulta que estamos en el mismo bando y que «es de justicia reconocerlo»!!!

Pues lo siento, señores del País, personalmente jamás estaré en el bando de los que insultan, manipulan y apoyan servilmente al poder por las prebendas para que les dejen manejar un poquito al poder público. Jamás estaré en el lado de los que consideran que cualquier medio es bueno para auparse al poder aunque sea a costa de manipular a toda la opinión pública por cuestiones de partido. Y jamás apoyaré a los que han atacado injustamente desde sus poltronas mediáticas y ministeriales a gente normal que no estaba de acuerdo con la política del Gobierno de turno. Me parece asqueroso que después de haber insultado vilmente a Alcaraz, a la AVT, a los manifestantes y a cualquiera que veía que esto era un proceso de rendición, una y otra vez, ahora digan que «ohh, estamos en el mismo bando«.

Panda de sinvergüenzas. El perfume no elimina el mal olor, sólo lo tapa. Pero cuando se pasa el efecto y sale, aún huele peor.

Rosa Díez:

Díez subrayó que ETA es el “enemigo declarado de la democracia” y hasta que la democracia no acabe con esta organización “totalitaria y fascista” seguirá “haciéndonos daño”. “Lleva 30 años siendo el enemigo declarado de la democracia, persiguiendo y amedrentando a los demócratas, tratando de que desistamos.ETA no sabe hacer otra cosa”, remachó.

Por ello, Rosa Díez ha precisado que “condenar sus atentados, apresar a sus comandos y juzgarles es imprescindible, pero la derrota de una organización totalitaria conlleva la deslegitimización radical de toda su historia y de todos sus objetivos, lo mismo que en el juicio de Nüremberg“, indicó, para añadir, que en aquellos procesos “no se condenaron exclusivamente a los criminales de guerra nazis, sino que también se condenó el fascismo y el nazismo”.

Sólo un pequeño detallito: ETA NO es fascista, si no marxista-leninista. Que parece que los únicos que han cometido barbaridades han sido los nazis (y las cometieron, desde luego que lo hicieron), pero no fueron los únicos…

En lo demás de acuerdo. Es lo que venimos defendiendo algunos para TODO tipo de terrorismo… y, a cambio, somos «de los que no quieren la pas«, «de los que quieren la confrontación«, «de los que atacan a los hombres de pazzz» y otro largo etcétera…

Archipiélago Duda escribe sobre los que piensan que «esto se soluciona con diálogo» via Lugo Liberal:

por lo visto, el problema de unos criminales que se dedican a poner coches-bomba, a pegar tiros en la nuca, a extorsionar y amenazar es de una naturaleza distinta. Aquí hay que sentarse a negociar, es decir, a ceder algo a cambio de algo. ¿Por qué? El sabio de taberna no entra en esas precisiones. Lo importante, se sobreentiende, es conseguir la paz. Es como si le dijéramos a la mujer maltratada, que lo importante son los niños, que debe aguantar, y ceder por el bien de ellos. Y a veces la mujer acaba creyéndolo, y hasta sintiéndose culpable ella.

febrero 21, 2008

Assaults on freedom of expression

I’m going to write today about some assaults which have taken place in the Spanish-speaking blogosphere over the past weeks.

The first happened to Spanish blogger Así está Murcia. I will translate what happened to him.

The other day when I was going to write a blog post, I found that the blog was practically empty, and at first I thought it was an Internet error, but afterwards I realized I had been attacked by people who did not like what I write and the perspective from what I write. So in that moment I thought I was going to leave everything, I even began to write a farewell post, but the rage that caused the fact they have destroyed my own work, made me re-think that decision. So I began searching for the old blog posts, it was much easier to find the new ones (they were all in Unidad y Libertad, so in the end, the only thing I lost was a poll, a statistic counter and some things I had in the lateral column, specially photos.As you can see the enemies of freedom have begun their campaign, so make a copy of your entries because I really believe I am not the first nor the last they attack to.

Now they are leaving comments such as this by the «fuckingfascists» (truly «good» name, ejem…): «What about your poll and your statistics???… ooohhh, yeah, we erased them, hahaha, fuck you, fascist, and you have come back in very little time but it maybeis not going to last a lot FASCIST, so just take care about what you say… ANTIFASCIST OI«.

(Well, the message was very bad written, the ortography was a total mess. Oh and far-left extremers here now they call themselves «antifascists». In reality they are as fascists are all the others, but they fight -physically- the «fascist» or far-right extremers…).

Sincerelly it makes me vomit someone is proud of having attacked a blog. On the other hand, it’s a shame the education level this writer has: the comment is full of ortography errors. And lastly, I’m not feeling even menaced by this person as Spain today is a free country.

We don’t know for how many time… :(Something similar (though even graver) happened to Venezuelan blogger Alexis Marrero. Buensancho, Luis and Martha reported about the total loss of his blog after an attack by an unknown person, though they are surely Chavista thugs, as the author is a fiery anti-Chávez blogger. The message they left him was: «Long live Chávez, the best President, Alexis you’re dead«.As Frantic says:

De todos modos nunca faltará quien utilice la violencia para expresar
sus ideas
, inclusive a través del “terrorismo electrónico”, no
olvidemos que nuestro Gobierno apoya abiertamente los métodos violentos
para la lucha política.

Anyway, there will always be people who will use violence to express their ideas, even using the «electronical terrorism», don’t forget that our Government supports openly the violent methods in the political fight.

That’s why we must support bloggers all around the world facing violence or harrasment. Because the freedom of the blogosphere will always be endangered.

He has begun a new blog (link in Spanish), where he thanks all the bloggers who supported him in the days after the attack. (NOTA: Si entiendes español, haz el favor de visitarle a menudo… es necesario que las personas que luchan contra dictadores -contra los que sueñan con serlo) vean que tienen todo nuestro apoyo-).

By the way, did you know that Internet is the third way to obtain news information in Spain and that it would be the media which people would yearn for using more, if it would disappear? Even before the TV and newspapers… And that’s what it’s being feared by our pals, the leftists, specially after Zapatero said he needed «tension».

Then we have the internet sabotage after five cables were cut in the Middle East. A UN official’s remarks has opened the debate:

We do not want to preempt the results of ongoing investigations, but we do not rule out that a deliberate act of sabotage caused the damage to the undersea cables over two weeks ago,” the UN agency’s head of development, Sami al-Murshed, told AFP.


The Christian Science Monitor has it’s usual thoughtful analysis HERE, noting that cutting cables has been a historical approach to enemy. They point out that the internet is run by international companies, but that after this latest outage (and after the six week Asian shutdown of the cable following an earthquake last year) that internet security experts are wondering if governments should become involved in the maintenance of such cables.

Underseas cables that span thousands of miles are essentially impossible to secure.
Communications for companies and countries are necessary in today’s world.

So we don’t know what really happened in the end. Anyone could have done a sabotage or it could just have happened by accident.

From Infidels are Cool, Egyptian writer facing fatwa, death threats for criticizing Hadith:

Egyptian writer Bisnat Rashad has become the target of a fatwa and death threats after publishing her book “Sex in the Life of the Prophet Mohammed”. Rashad wants to debunk the myth of Mohammed’s extraordinary sexual powers, which she considers offensive to the Prophet and a bad example for Muslims.

ohoh… this woman is crazy: she has dared to critisize Mohammed’ extraordinary sexual powers. So now she is facing death threats…

Todos los links de arriba están en español, excepto el de Infidels Are Cool. Éste trata de que la escritora egipcia Bisnat Rashat, musulmana devota, se ha convertido en el objetivo de una fatwa y de amenazas de muerte después de publicar su libro «Sexo en la vida del Profeta Mahoma». Rashad quiere destruir el mito de los poderes sexuales extraordinarios de Mahoma, que considera ofensivos para el Profeta y una mal ejemplo para los musulmanes.

Y es que sólo se la ocurre a ella cuestionar el poder sexual de un hombre y sobre todo del Profeta… Como la pillen, se va a enterar… 😦

[+] Se me olvidaba hablar sobre lo de los cables. El Cerrajero ya blogueó sobre varios cables cortados en el Golfo Pérsico (exactamente cinco) que dieron aún más problemas a los internautas. Pues bien, la ONU ha comenzado una investigación y dice que «No quieren dar por adelantado los resultados pero que no descartan un acto de sabotaje causase el daño a los cables«. La rumorología se disparó en su día diciendo incluso que fueron los EEUU quienes cortaron u ordenaron cortar los cables para invadir Irán. En mi caso, yo no descarto ni afirmo nada. Habrá que esperar al término de la investigación, para ver qué consideran probado…, aunque desde luego no tengo nada de confianza en la ONU.

Posts relacionados:

  1. EuropeNews tumbado siete horas por un ataque DDoS turco.
  2. El blog del SIOE, cerrado a instancias de una fundación holandesa por racista.
  3. Estudiante afgano condenado a muerte: firma petición para salvarle.
  4. Venezuelan blogger killed by the police.
  5. Foehammer deja su sitio.
  6. Evo Morales espía a la oposición y a los periodistas críticos.
  7. Spanish blogger menaced by ETA’s supporters.
  8. Periodista de Bielorrusia: tres años de cárcel por las caricaturas de Mahoma.
  9. Appeasement europeo frente a China: Citroen pide perdón por un anuncio.
  10. Terrorismo islámico (III): continuación del caso Stephen Coughlin, el experto del Pentágono despedido por «islamófobo«.
  11. A new attack on freedom of expression: the new Law against Homophobia.
  12. Los laicistas también están en contra de la libertad de expresión.
  13. Más censura en la blogosfera y fuera de ella.
  14. Nuevo ataque a la libertad de expresión por las caricaturas de Mahoma.
  15. Lionheart: ahora llegan los problemas entre los anti-jihad.
  16. La página de Foehammer suspendida por su proveedor.
  17. Inspectores municipales chinos asesinan a palos a bloguero por filmar una protesta.
  18. Phylis Chesler entrevista a Lionheart.
  19. Censorship in the blogosphere (II).
  20. Actualización sobre Lionheart (II).
  21. Actualización sobre Lionheart.
  23. Presión en la blogosfera (I).
  24. Breve nota sobre la censura.

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febrero 17, 2008

Spanish Elections Watch: Zapatero (II), the tension and the drama

I wrote before about Zapatero and the economical problems and also about the relationship with the Catholic Church.

But the elections draw near (March 9th) and the situation is not eased at all.

Last week Popular Party representative in the Basque Country, courageous María San Gil, was going to be the main speaker in a conference at Santiago de Compostela University. There about fifty Galician far-rightist independentists, insulted and tried to beat her. One of them walk to Ms. San Gil, placed his finger as it was a revolver in his temple and shout: «Hope ETA kills you». A bodyguard and two policemen were hurt in the attack. The images are very telling: someone, who lives with bodyguards’ protection 24/7 because ETA has really menaced a lot of times to kill them, now is called «fascist».

A lot of people in the blogosphere asked for measures to be taken against the agressors: for example, Hurssel, AntiPSOE. Well, they were detained but set loose in hours, although accused of the crimes of affront, public disorder, menaces and attack.

So the Socialist said they condemned the agression but they rejected to pass a resolution from Galician Autonomous Parliament, condemning it, the reason being: «we should not engage the Parliament in this conflict». But the position of Antisemite BNG is even worse: they have accused the Popular Party of wanting to win a political advantage of «anecdotical» incidents. The problem is that extreme independentists have beaten or menaced both Socialists and Populars at least in 4 ocassions in less than a month, apart from this one.

Some days ago, some electoral posters appeared in San Martín de la Vega with a shot in the forehead and most of the posters were burned. The agression towards María San Gil is one step further in the scale of violence during these elections. Violence which has not been absent from any of the electoral campaign since at least 2004’s elections (read here, here). Or even without any elections.

All of the responsibles of the agressions belong to a single group, AGIR, a far-extremist-leftist independentist organization, has being menacing and practicing violence for some time. Seven years ago, a group from the same association, walled in the door of one of the Professors of the same University, Roberto Blanco Valdés, because he was using Castillian/Spanish to give his classes. Other Professors and teachers received similar menaces.

The association immediately boasted about the menaces in their webpage.

The Socialist youths justified the agression, stating that: «these are the fruits of the high level of tension and political radicalization the PP has brought throughout the term«. But of course, this is normal if someone has killed/abused you, it’s your fault. Typical of Zapatero’s rantings.

El Cerrajero wrote:

The result can be a new civil war, but the socialits are now taking measures not to arrive to something they are used to lose, that is why they are just preparing everything, there is no war but a bloody repression.

This is truly related with the coward spirit of the left and no one has to be a great analyst to discover where are pointing the movements of the colleagues of Zapatero: they have destroyed the Army, reforced and made bigger the Moncloa’s bunker [Moncloa is the official residence of the Spanish Prime Minister], divided the security forces -even they have built confrontations between the policial corps with «convenient» rivalries-, have destroyed the hierarchy’s ruling with loyal servants -just take a look to the chiefs of the security forces after the March 11th bombings and consider who have been promoted or given medals to-. They have also raised the quantities in the reserved funds’ budget [those are the ones who are secret or clasified, related to national security], have controlled most of the MSM, have eliminated the popular action, have the control over the Judges and the Prosecutors [the first ones using the Judicial Power’s General Council, who must be named by Parliament; the second, because the Prosecutor’s office depends from the Minister of Justice, both organically and economically] and have built a powerful machinery to control the opposition.

So, what does Zapatero think about this?

In the middle of this event, Zapatero had an interview with leftist and Zapatero’s supporter, Iñaki Gabilondo, a Spanish Keith Obermann, just for international readers to understand his «level». Partial, absolutely boring because of his partiality for Zapatero, the interview was the derision of nearly all the blogosphere.
But the worst was yet to come: the video from the interview distributed to the Spanish media had a very interesting part about what Zapatero wanted to do during the campaign. It should have been erased before the distribution but it wasn’t. It runs:

– How are the polls going?
– Well, without any problems. But tension is convenient for us in the campaign.
– Yes, yes, you need tension clearly.
– So I’m beginning to play some drama this week-end.

Zapatero and Socialists in general have been accusing the right of promoting tension (what here is called crispación) throughout since they won in 2004.

So what is the tension Zapatero wants to create so Socialists can win the elections again? Aquiles asks if it consists in another March 11th bombings (you have to consider that the judicial process over it did not resolve any doubt about what happened… and that the detention of the Islamists arrested less than a fortnight ago in Barcelona was a little rare…).

Of course, Zapatero’s words were considered by most of the conservative Spanish blogosphere. Some examples:

  1. La tensión de Zapatero @ Agnetem: My opinion is that the President’s words are extremely grave: he is instructing the news chief of a private (leftist) MSM to create tension between Spanish people, after presenting himself as the champion of peace, happiness…. Hipocrisy, cowardice: nothing of this is lacking in the President’s attitude that answers a lot of questions about his «use» of the tension 4 years ago:
  2. El Optimista tonto @ Prevost: throughout all these four years, every critic from Socialists was that everything bad was the responsibility of PP.
  3. Tensión @ Luis. The voter should continue to be sedated, but he must vote. And the «tension» is the best way to wake up the monkey leaving the homo sapiens resting. Verbal violence, to identify the enemy. They need a finger and someone to single as the enemy. When Socialists’ voters are occupied denouncing the dab guy, the one who pretends to throw them out from their comfortable state to the emptyness of uncertainty, they do not have time -and of course, no neurone- to consider the unnrealities in which they are sleeping in their happy ignorance.

Of course, after that, Socialists have begun to tell us how we must consider the word tension, as if we were all illiterate. Zapatero for example has said that «the tension is achieved making the people go to vote and explaining the ones who want a Socialist Governemnt what is at stake?«. Really? Without condemning the agressions made to other parties’ representatives (not only Popular Party’s members are attacked, others from little parties such as UPyD or Ciutadans have also being attacked. Even Socialists have been attacked by minor parties’s supporters without any condemnation from Zapatero).

So, the great mask of talante (something like character, but of course, character can be good or bad), exhibited once and again by socialists, has fallen.

Anyway, Zapatero has continued to exhibit those same (bad) manners, we are used to see by now, and has blamed the tension on the Popular Party again. He has stated that «PP swindles, lies, produces tension (after saying that, you see), produces confrontation and anger and makes undecent boycotts«.

Portuguese blog O blogue Atlantico writes:

We have percieved that since March 11. By the way, this is the inheritance European leftists have left.

With a commenter, saying: «who wants this man as an ally», because Portuguese President of the Republic, the curriculum vitae forger, Sócrates, is also a Socialist.

Bad prospect indeed.

Venezuelan blogger Martha Colmenares compares Zapatero with Chávez, as both of them need tension to maintain themselves in power.

But Zapatero wants not to show that very widely, because he can lose more votes. So he has gone to have a «little soap» with the Holy See’s Ambassador in Spain, Monseñor Manuel Monteiro de Castro, the Nuncio of the Holy See. He wants to show that there are no tensions with the Catholic Church, something which is really difficult in the present moment after the insults, the blames and the disrespect bordering the menace that some of the members of the Socialist party (and supporters) have directed to Catholics during these past four years.

Spanish Elections Watch: Zapatero (II), the tension and the drama

Filed under: Catholic Church,España,In English,MSM,Spain,YouTube — Nora @ 3:59 pm

I wrote before about Zapatero and the economical problems and also about the relationshion with the Catholic Church.

But the elections draw near (March 9th) and the situation is not eased at all.

Last week Popular Party representative in the Basque Country, courageous María San Gil, was going to be the main speaker in a conference at Santiago de Compostela University. There about fifty Galician far-rightist independentists, insulted and tried to beat her. One of them walk to Ms. San Gil, placed his finger as it was a revolver in his temple and shout: «Hope ETA kills you». A bodyguard and two policemen were hurt in the attack. The images are very telling: someone, who lives with bodyguards’ protection 24/7 because ETA has really menaced a lot of times to kill them, now is called «fascist».

A lot of people in the blogosphere asked for measures to be taken against the agressors: Hurssel, AntiPSOE,.

So the Socialist said they condemned the agression but they rejected to pass a resolution from Galician Autonomous Parliament, condemning it, the reason being: «we should not engage the Parliament in this conflict». But the position of Antisemite BNG is even worse: they have accused the Popular Party of wanting to win a political advantage of «anecdotical» incidents. The problem is that extreme independentists have beaten or menaced both Socialists and Populars at least in 4 ocassions in less than a month, apart from this one.

Some days ago, some electoral posters appeared in San Martín de la Vega with a shot in the forehead and most of the posters were burned. The agression towards María San Gil is one step further in the scale of violence during these elections. Violence which has not been absent from any of the electoral campaign since at least 2004’s elections (read here, here). Or even without any elections.

All of the responsibles of the agressions belong to a single group, AGIR, a far-extremist-leftist independentist organization, has being menacing and practicing violence for some time. Seven years ago, a group from the same association, walled in the door of one of the Professors of the same University, Roberto Blanco Valdés, because he was using Castillian/Spanish to give his classes. Other Professors and teachers received similar menaces.

The association immediately boasted about the menaces in their webpage.

The Socialist youths justified the agression, stating that: «these are the fruits of the high level of tension and political radicalization the PP has brought throughout the term«. But of course, this is normal if someone has killed/abused you, it’s your fault. Typical of Zapatero’s rantings.

El Cerrajero wrote:

The result can be a new civil war, but the socialits are now taking measures not to arrive to something they are used to lose, that is why they are just preparing everything, there is no war but a bloody repression.

This is truly related with the coward spirit of the leftist and no one has to be a great analyst to discover where are pointing the movements of the colleagues of Zapatero: they have destroyed the Army, reforced and made bigger the Moncloa’s bunker [Moncloa is the official residence of the Spanish Prime Minister], divided the security forces -even they have built confrontations between the policial corps with «convenient» rivalries-, have destroyed the hierarchy’s ruling with loyal servants -just take a look to the chiefs of the security forces after the March 11th bombings and consider who have been promoted or given medals to-. They have also raised the quantities in the reserved funds’ budget [those are the ones who are secret or clasified, related to national security], have controlled most of the MSM, have eliminated the popular action, have the control over the Judges and the Prosecutors [the first ones using the Judicial Power’s General Council, who must be named by Parliament; the second, because the Prosecutor’s office depends from the Minister of Justice, both organically and economically] and have built a powerful machinery to control the opposition.

So, what does Zapatero think about this?

In the middle of this event, Zapatero had an interview with leftist and Zapatero’s supporter, Iñaki Gabilondo, a Spanish Keith Olbermann, just for international readers to understand his «level». Partial, absolutely boring because of his partiality for Zapatero, the interview was the derision of nearly all the blogosphere.
But the worst was yet to come: the video fr the interview distributed to the Spanish media had a very interesting part about what Zapatero wanted to do during the campaign. It should have been erased before the distribution but it wasn’t. It runs:

– How are the polls going?
– Well, without any problems. But tension is convenient for us in the campaign.
– Yes, yes, you need tension clearly.
– So I’m beginning to dramatise since this week-end.

Zapatero and Socialists in general have been accusing the right of promoting tension (what here is called crispación) throughout since they won in 2004.

So what is the tension Zapatero wants to create so Socialists can win the elections again? Aquiles asks if it consists in another March 11th bombings (you have to consider that the judicial process over it did not resolve any doubt about the process… and that the detention of the Islamists arrested two weeks ago in Barcelona was a little rare…).

Of course, Zapatero’s words were considered by most of the conservative Spanish blogosphere. Some examples:

  1. La tensión de Zapatero @ Agnetem: My opinion is that the President’s words are extremely grave: he is instructing the news chief of a private (leftist) MSM to create tension between Spanish people, after presenting himself as the champion of peace, happiness…. Hipocrisy, cowardice: nothing of this is lacking in the President’s attitude that answers a lot of questions about his «use» of the tension 4 years ago:
  2. El Optimista tonto @ Prevost: throughout all these four years, every critic from Socialists was that everything bad was the responsibility of PP.
  3. Tensión @ Luis. The voter should continue to be sedated, but he must vote. And the «tension» is the best way to wake up the monkey leaving the homo sapiens resting. Verbal violence, to identify the enemy. They need a finger and someone to single as the enemy. When Socialists’ voters are occupied denouncing the dab guy, the one who pretends to throw them out from their comfortable state to the emptyness of uncertainty, they do not have time -and of course, no neurone- to consider the unnrealities in which they are sleeping in their happy ignorance.

Of course, after that, Socialists have begun to tell us how we must consider the word tension, as if we were all illiterate. Zapatero for example has said that «the tension is achieved making the people go to vote and explaining the ones who want a Socialist Governemnt what is at stake?«. Really? Without condemning the agressions made to other parties’ representatives (not only Popular Party’s members are attacked, others from little parties such as UPyD or Ciutadans have also being attacked. Even Socialists have been attacked by minor parties’s supporters without any condemnation from Zapatero).

So, the great mask of talante (something like character, but of course, character can be good or bad), exhibited once and again by socialists, has fallen.

Anyway, Zapatero has continued to exhibit those same (bad) manners, we are used to see by now, and has blamed the tension on the Popular Party again. He has stated that «PP swindles, lies, produces tension (after saying that, you see), produces confrontation and anger and makes undecent boycotts«.

Portuguese blog O blogue atlantico writes:

We have percieved that since March 11. By the way, this is the inheritance European leftists have left.

With a commenter, saying: «who wants this man as an ally», because Portuguese President of the Republic, the curriculum vitae forger, Sócrates, is also a Socialist.

Venezuelan blogger Martha Colmenares compares Zapatero with Chávez, as both of them need tension to maintain themselves in power.

But Zapatero wants not to show that very widely, because he can lose more votes. So he has gone to have a «little soap» with the Holy See’s Ambassador in Spain, Monseñor Manuel Monteiro de Castro, the Nuncio of the Holy See. He wants to show that there are no tensions with the Catholic Chruch, something which is really difficult in the present moment, after the insults, the continous blames and the disrespect bordering the menace that some of the members of the Socialist party have directed to Catholics during these past four years.

febrero 5, 2008

Spanish 2008 elections Watch: Zapatero (I)

Filed under: economy,In English,politics,PSOE,Spain,Zapatero — Nora @ 4:03 pm
As you would probably know by now, Spain will held general elections on March 9th. After four years in which the positions have strengthened and, I must say, «extremed» in both sides, the electoral campaign, which has not begun officialy yet, has begun with two problems for Zapatero: the economy and the not-new-conflict with the Catholic Church.

Beginning with the economy, the growing inflation, the crisis in the building sector and the excessive foreign deficit menaces Zapatero. Instead of giving real solutions for the crisis, his Government has done nothing for months, and, when the elections are approaching has begun to offer «checks» for everything: baby-check, rental-check, etc. Even The Economist has written about the perils of Spanish economy now, when during the last 4 years, it has been praising Zapatero about how marvellous his policy was.

THE surprise ingredient in the Spanish election of March 2004 was the Madrid train bombings, which killed 191 commuters just three days before the vote. Thanks to the clumsiness of the outgoing People’s Party (PP) government, which tried to blame Basque terrorists, not Islamist radicals, the bombs provoked an unexpected change. What had looked like a PP shoo-in turned into a Socialist bounce-back, handing victory to José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, now Spain’s prime minister.

Four years on, Mr Zapatero is seeking re-election. This time, too, a surprise ingredient has arrived ahead of the March 9th poll. But, despite the recent arrest in Barcelona of 14 Muslim immigrants suspected of planning fresh attacks, it has nothing to do with Islam. After four years in which Spain’s politicians have argued bitterly about almost everything else, the new ingredient is the economy.

Few would have predicted this even six months ago. An economy growing at a healthy lick of 3.8% seemed to be one of the strongest of Mr Zapatero’s weapons. But since then Spain’s housing bubble has burst and inflation has risen. Global financial turmoil now threatens to turn a hoped-for soft landing into something much harder. And the PP, seeking to avenge its 2004 loss, smells blood.

«Few would have predicted….» is not true. Even the Spanish National Bank, whose head is Miguel Ángel Fernández Ordóñez, a Socialist, had been underlining the dangers of Spanish economy, specially the enormous debt families have. This would make the crisis even harder, considering that the banks would not be paid (not only in time, rather they won’t be payed at all).

The second bad sign is the frontal clash with the Catholic Church, which could on the other hand, lead socialists to a new victory, as there are, specially among leftists but not only, a lot of anti-clericalistic types in Spain. That frontal clash is not something new, but it has absolutely erupted in past weeks, curiously just after the Socialists have announced their new «slogan»: motives to believe. The amusing thing is that these three words are the title of a religious book written by a Jesuit.

There were some signs before the clash: specially related with the finding of a serie of gynecologist clinics in which abortions were made even to foetuses as old as 8-months-old for huge quantities of money and with the announcement that the rate of abortions in Spain had surged. In that ocassion the Government had already had announced some sorts of measures to protect the abortion clinics, announcement which Socialists have repeated these past days.

And with motives to believe in their absolute anti-clericalism and their pro-islamism. Because the Catholic Bishop’s Conference of Spain has published a communiqué in which they said:

Los católicos y los ciudadanos que quieran actuar responsablemente, antes de apoyar con su voto una u otra propuesta, han de valorar las distintas ofertas políticas, teniendo en cuenta el aprecio que cada partido, cada programa y cada dirigente otorga a la dimensión moral de la vida. La calidad y exigencia moral de los ciudadanos en el ejercicio de su voto es el mejor medio para mantener el vigor y la autenticidad de las instituciones democráticas (n. 56). No se debe confundir la condición de aconfesionalidad o laicidad del Estado con la desvinculación moral y la exención de obligaciones morales objetivas. Al decir esto no pretendemos que los gobernantes se sometan a los criterios de la moral católica. Pero sí que se atengan al denominador común de la moral fundada en la recta razón y en la experiencia histórica de cada pueblo (n. 55).
El terrorismo es una práctica intrínsecamente perversa, del todo incompatible con una visión moral de la vida justa y razonable. No sólo vulnera gravemente el derecho a la vida y a la libertad, sino que es muestra de la más dura intolerancia y totalitarismo (n. 65). Una sociedad que quiera ser libre y justa no puede reconocer explícita ni implícitamente a una organización terrorista como representante político de ningún sector de la población, ni puede tenerla como interlocutor político (n. 68).

Catholics and citizens who would want to act responsibly, before supporting with their vote one or another proposal, must value the different ones made, considering the love each of this parties, each leader and each program has for the moral dimension of live. The quality and the moral requirements of the citizens in the voting exercise is the best way to maintaint the vigor and authenticity of the democratic institutions. Aconfesionality or laicity should never be mistaken with the moral [desvinculación] and the exemption of the objective moral obligations. We are not saying with this that the political leaders should be submitted to the catholic moral criteria. But that they should oblige the common ground of the moral rules, based on the right reason and in the historic experience of each people.
[…] The terrorism is an intrinsically perverse practice, totally incompatible with the moral vision of a reasonable and just life. Not only it violates gravely the right to life and to freedom, but this is a proof of the worst intolerance and totalitarism. A society which wants to be just and free cannot recognise neither expressely nor tacitly to a terrorist organization as a political representant of any sector of its population, nor can have it as a political representant.

So this is the basis of all the polemic. Socialists have thought the Catholic Church is asking people not to vote Socialists, something that it is not said in all the communiqué.

As a result, from all the different political parties of both of Left and Right (except Popular Party, as every one has thought them the real beneficiaries of this communiqué) have critisized it and some of them have directly insulted the Bishops, calling them immoral, hypocrites and with bad intentions. Some leftists in Mené, a site similar to Digg, have stated they would like to burn some churches.

But Spanish Islamic Conference has already and clearly and expressely stated their support for Socialists and for Communists (United Left, whose leader, Gaspar Llamazares, was rumoured to be converted to Islam some months ago). No one have told them anything, no one has protested.

What is worse: Socialists are asking once again for a modification of the Concordato (that is the International Treaty between Spain and the Holy See) to supposedly end all the priviledges the Catholic Church has in Spain. But no one has dared to ask the same about Muslims for asking to vote to the leftists, after this Governement, supported by Communists, Socialists, and the Independentists from Catalonian Republican Left, have given them loads of money in these last four years from Spanish budget.

The situation is so tense that a masked man entered a church in the middle of a Mass in Catalonia, to critizise the Bishops:

«I am sorry to interrupt this Mass, but there is a problem here», he said. «The church should not mess in State affairs, the bishops don’t have any rights to mess in political affairs, the Church is dedicated to God’s affairs», he said in Spanish.
People attending the Mass reacted, caught him and threw him out of the church shouting «out, out» and «to the street». An accomplice recorded everything in a video and sent it to the [Catalan Nationalist] Avui newspaper.

But, of course, according to Avui, there was nothing objectable about what these two men did.

The President of the Spanish Catholic Bishop’s Conference, Mons. Blázquez has stated he does not know the reasons for the scandal as the Church has not said anything out of ordinary. The Secretary of Organization of Socialists, the more-than-stupid José «Pepiño» Blanco, has menaced the Church with «consequences», if the Socialists win on March, in a total Mafia mood. Those consequences are none others but to end any financial aid that Catholics or people who want to, give through their Personal Tax Annual Declaration.

The end is that the Socialist President of the Autonomous Government of Galicia, Mr Touriño, has asked to forbid Masses on Sat 8th and Sun 9th of Marchjust in case priests «could direct politically their herd». This comes after his partners in Galician Government, the Bloque Nacionalista Galego, have denied to condemn the Holocaust and Nazism in the Galician Parliament (oh, no, this could be an interested statement aimed at an anti-jihadi group… no, not really, these guys are far-left extremers. But this proves once again how near far-left and far-right groups really are).

Anyway, according to polls, Zapatero is ahead in the elections, about 3,4 points. I will write about this in another post. But anything is decided yet and the campaign is having several very dirty tricks. One of the worst I have read is the one told by Mary White here. She has received an SMS with the following words:


A day like today, Jan 30th, 75 years ago, Hitler was elected with the right-wingers’ vote. Vote on march 9th. Pass it on.

Sooo, if you’re a right-winger, you’re a Nazi. That’s the latest SMS Socialist campaign.

Posts relacionados:

  1. Zapatero is ready to negotiate the co-sovereignty of Ceuta and Melilla.
  2. New attack on freedom of expression: the new law against Homophobia.
  3. «I would ask the Pope what his idea of family is»: Spanish Socialist leader.
  4. Zapatero pide al PP patriotismo en lugar de alarmismo injustificado en economía.
  5. El presupuesto de Zapatero.
  6. Las frases del Día: Soraya y el Obispo Uriarte.
  7. Comunicado de prensa del Foro de Ermua sobre la acción popular.
  8. España, hoy.
  9. ETA kills again.
  10. Concentración contra ETA en Madrid.
  11. La desaparición material de la acción popular.
  12. ETA kills again [IV].
  13. Los «hombres de paz» de ETA matan a un Guardia Civil (III): los terroristas reconocieron a los Guardias.
  14. ETA «men of peace» have killed again (II): International MSM y Comunicados.
  15. ETA «men of peace» have killed again.
  16. Transportes: todo sigue igual.
  17. Carod: ahora a por una Iglesia nacional catalana.
  18. Breve nota sobre la censura.
  19. La Asociación de Internautas acusa a la SGAE de querer matar al mensajero con su querella.
  20. La manifestación de la AVT (II): medios españoles.
  21. La manifestación de la AVT (I).
  22. Frases de la semana.
  23. Spanish Elections Watch 2008: Los notables del PSOE y Clinton.
  24. Spanish Elections Watch 2008. Este sábado, manifestación de la AVT.

En español: teneis que leer sobre el affaire de los obispos, dos artículos:

  1. Ferraz carga de nuevo contra los obispos en un zafio ejercicio de rencorosa inmoralidad @ Federico Quevedo.
  2. Y el del pelota del PSOE (para reírse más que nada…): Los obispos echan una mano a ZP y dejan al PP un poco más a la derecha @ Antonio Casado. Me parto.

Hmm, qué pluralidad en el confidencial, ¿no? 😛

enero 25, 2008

Spanish blogger menaced by ETA’s supporters (+)

Noggia is a Spanish blogger who posts in English and with his full name: Nacho Serra. He has been for some time writing about the myths of » a Basque nation» (to which I referred myself here), without having really ANY of its supporters critisizing logically what he had written. So today I receive a mail from common friend Crispal informing me that he has been threatened with death by some scum of Basque terrorism:

«pay a lot of attention, fascist. You’re going to fly in the air».
«Euskadi will be free and you will die in the way. Gora ETA (Hail ETA). Pig. Policeman».

The Civil Guard has already began an investigation as the author of the menaces has left a trace which can be followed. Just hope he will be caught.

As ever, the freedom of the blogosphere keeps on been menaced…

Others posting about this: Elentir, Luis, Electoblogger.

(+) As Lady Godiva has done, I’m going too to post here the titles of all the posts Noggia has written on the «myths of the Basque Nation»:
Myth No 1: Spain and the Basque Country has been antagonistic entities throughout history.
Myth No 2: the mere existence of nationalism does prove there is a Nation.
Myth No 3: the mere existence of a language proves we are a Nation.
Myth No 4: the existence of the Fueros prove we are a Nation.
Myth No 5: The Basque Region is in conflict with Spain since 160 years ago.
Myth No 6:
The Basques have been oppressed by the Castilians.
Myth No 7:
The Basque Region is the “Spanish Ulster”.
Myth No 8:
Spanish Civil War of 1936 – 1939 was a fight between Spanish fascism against the Basques.
Myth No 9:
The non-nationalist Basques are renegade Basques.
Myth No 10:
Basque Nationalism has distinguished itself for its compromise with the ‘freedom of the nations’.

Posts relacionados:

  1. Periodista de Bielorrusia: tres años de cárcel por las caricaturas de Mahoma.
  2. Appeasement europeo frente a China: Citroen pide perdón por un anuncio.
  3. Terrorismo islámico (III): continuación del caso Stephen Coughlin, el experto del Pentágono despedido por «islamófobo«.
  4. A new attack on freedom of expression: the new Law against Homophobia.
  5. Los laicistas también están en contra de la libertad de expresión.
  6. Más censura en la blogosfera y fuera de ella.
  7. Nuevo ataque a la libertad de expresión por las caricaturas de Mahoma.
  8. Lionheart: ahora llegan los problemas entre los anti-jihad.
  9. La página de Foehammer suspendida por su proveedor.
  10. Inspectores municipales chinos asesinan a palos a bloguero por filmar una protesta.
  11. Phylis Chesler entrevista a Lionheart.
  12. Censorship in the blogosphere (II).
  13. Actualización sobre Lionheart (II).
  14. Actualización sobre Lionheart.
  16. Presión en la blogosfera (I).
  17. Breve nota sobre la censura.

Spanish blogger menaced by ETA’s supporters (+)

Noggia is a Spanish blogger who posts in English and with his full name: Nacho Serra. He has been for some time writing about the myths of » a Basque nation» (to which I referred myself here), without having really ANY of its supporters critisizing logically what he had written. So today I receive a mail from common friend Crispal informing me that he has been threatened with death by some scum of Basque terrorism:

«pay a lot of attention, fascist. You’re going to fly in the air».
«Euskadi will be free and you will die in the way. Gora ETA (Hail ETA). Pig. Policeman».

The Civil Guard has already began an investigation as the author of the menaces has left a trace which can be followed. Just hope he will be caught.

As ever, the freedom of the blogosphere keeps on been menaced…

Others posting about this: Elentir, Luis, Electoblogger.

(+) As Lady Godiva has done, I’m going too to post here the titles of all the posts Noggia has written on the «myths of the Basque Nation»:
Myth No 1: Spain and the Basque Country has been antagonistic entities throughout history.
Myth No 2: the mere existence of nationalism does prove there is a Nation.
Myth No 3: the mere existence of a language proves we are a Nation.
Myth No 4: the existence of the Fueros prove we are a Nation.
Myth No 5: The Basque Region is in conflict with Spain since 160 years ago.
Myth No 6:
The Basques have been oppressed by the Castilians.
Myth No 7:
The Basque Region is the “Spanish Ulster”.
Myth No 8:
Spanish Civil War of 1936 – 1939 was a fight between Spanish fascism against the Basques.
Myth No 9:
The non-nationalist Basques are renegade Basques.
Myth No 10:
Basque Nationalism has distinguished itself for its compromise with the ‘freedom of the nations’.

Posts relacionados:

  1. Periodista de Bielorrusia: tres años de cárcel por las caricaturas de Mahoma.
  2. Appeasement europeo frente a China: Citroen pide perdón por un anuncio.
  3. Terrorismo islámico (III): continuación del caso Stephen Coughlin, el experto del Pentágono despedido por «islamófobo«.
  4. A new attack on freedom of expression: the new Law against Homophobia.
  5. Los laicistas también están en contra de la libertad de expresión.
  6. Más censura en la blogosfera y fuera de ella.
  7. Nuevo ataque a la libertad de expresión por las caricaturas de Mahoma.
  8. Lionheart: ahora llegan los problemas entre los anti-jihad.
  9. La página de Foehammer suspendida por su proveedor.
  10. Inspectores municipales chinos asesinan a palos a bloguero por filmar una protesta.
  11. Phylis Chesler entrevista a Lionheart.
  12. Censorship in the blogosphere (II).
  13. Actualización sobre Lionheart (II).
  14. Actualización sobre Lionheart.
  16. Presión en la blogosfera (I).
  17. Breve nota sobre la censura.
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