Spanish Pundit (II)

octubre 25, 2007

La campaña anti-inmigración del Gobierno no tiene efectos – Anti-Immigration campaign: No effects on immigrants

Filed under: antizp,immigration,MSM,Senegal,Spain,Zapatero — Nora @ 2:51 pm

Hace unos días escribí que Zapatero estaba intentando parar a los inmigrantes senegaleses con nuestro dinero.
Ayer leo que ha fracasado dicho plan porque «nada detendrá a los clandestinos porque ya conocen los riesgos»:

En la zona, nada de todo esto asusta. Ni desgracias, ni penalidades, ni muertes, ni cárceles, ni nada. Si acaso, la deportación, que humilla hasta límites indecibles a los frustrados aventureros que, tras el regreso de caridad, se enfrentan a las comparaciones con la aristocracia de sus conciudadanos que sí consiguieron alcanzar suelo español, sea cual sea su situación real allí, siempre preferible, en todo caso, al vacío del futuro en Senegal o a las llenas promesas de sus autoridades. Los estudios muestran una y otra vez que los senegaleses tienen obsesión con España, a pesar de que los diarios locales, como el Walf Fadjri, reboten las tétricas advertencias de Médicos del Mundo sobre cómo sólo uno de cada cuatro emigrantes ilegales en Europa dispone de cobertura médica pública, especialmente, por falta de información sobre el “derecho” que le asiste de exigirla y recibirla, según comenta la organización humanitaria.

Hoy leo esto otro: Un barco español halla en Cabo Verde un cayuco con siete muertos y un superviviente |

El ministro del Interior, Alfredo Pérez
Rubalcaba, adelantó que un pesquero español, el ‘Tiburón III’, encontró el miércoles frente a las costas de Cabo Verde, a 300 millas de Senegal, a un superviviente y siete cadáveres que estaban a la deriva como consecuencia del naufragio.

Rubalcaba dijo que la cifra de víctimas puede elevarse, ya que en la embarcación podrían viajar medio centenar de personas, según el relato del único superviviente.

El ministro informó de este caso en la rueda de prensa ofrecida en el Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear, donde firmó un convenio en materia de emergencias y seguridad física.

Fuentes de Salvamento Marítimo explicaron que en las próximas horas está previsto el encuentro del buque hospitalario ‘Esperanza del Mar’ con el pesquero, cuya base se encuentra en A Guarda Pontevedra.

Nueva ruta de asiáticos a través de Cabo Verde

Las autoridades de Guinea, Senegal y Cabo Verde han constatado el uso que hacen los inmigrantes asiáticos de su territorio, pues usan visados para llegar a estos países y se hacen con pasaportes falsos para viajar a Europa, una ruta, sobre todo la caboverdiana, desconocida por España.

Así se puso de manifiesto en la II Conferencia Policial Euro-Africana que se celebra en Gran Canaria, donde también se expusieron los efectos del sistema de libre circulación de Europa para los inmigrantes, que no encuentran fronteras una vez que llegan a España, si bien, al ser detectados, la legislación ordena que sean devueltos al país por el que entraron a la UE.

Ya vereis cómo esto no tiene ni la mitad de cobertura que la paliza que el desgraciado skin peludo le metió a la inmigrante colombiana. No, tendrá la misma cobertura que el brasileño que degolló a un taxista. Eso sí, luego todos somos unos racistas que te pasas porque UNO sea un bestia integral, cuando resulta que Ecuador es uno de los países más racistas de Sudamérica:

la madre de la adolescente agredida no quiere ni oír hablar del regreso a tan idílico país. Por el contrario, desea que su marido, actualmente residente en Guayaquil, se reúna con ella y con sus dos hijas en España. Los siguientes son algunos de los datos sobre la extensión del racismo en Ecuador, de ecuatorianos sobre ecuatorianos. Del racismo de ecuatorianos sobre españoles en el propio país de estos últimos, las bandas y pandillas formadas por aquellos ya han dado suficiente cuenta con múltiples asesinatos, violaciones y palizas desde hace años.

La realidad es que España se ha convertido en el país más multiétnico de Europa, y es el primer receptor de inmigrantes del mundo, sólo por detrás de Estados Unidos.

Las generalizaciones, que siempre son muy malas… Y los medios de comunicación: sin comentarios.

As I wrote some days ago, Zapatero was beginning a campaign to prevent immigrants to come to Spain. Well, the campaign has had no results, because the Senegalese immigrants are willing to come to Spain whatever the perils the trip presents to them. If they are made to return they suffer the humiliation from the so-called «aristocracy» of the place, that is, those who have relatives who have succeeded in reaching Spain.

In this moment there is an Spanish ship looking for 50 immigrants in Green Cape (Cabo Verde), in the same place where only a survivor has been saved and other 7 corpses have been located in the water.

Also the II Police Euro-African Conference, held in Gran Canaria (Canary Islands) has uncovered a new system to enter Spain, crossing Guinea, Senegal and Green Cape. The new route across Green Cape is new for Spanish officials.

But this is not interesting for MSM, who are very busy labelling all Spanish people as «hugely racist» because of a beast (described as «skin» but who has longer hair than I have had sometimes) who beat fiercelly an Ecuadorian immigrant in the Barcelona’s metro. But they have not mentioned at all that the mother of the Ecuadorian victim does not want to go back to Ecuador and is asking her husband to come here, that Ecuador is a country where racism is very spread not only against Spanish, but between Ecuadorian nationals. But above all, no one has spoken about the terrible beheading of a taxi driver in Madrid by a Brazilian immigrant just the same day.

The reality is that Spain is now the second most multi-ethnic country in the world, and receives the greater quatity of immigrants, only after USA.

Speaking about MSM’s objectiveness…

Technorati Tags: inmigración, immigration, Cabo Verde, Green Cape, Guinea, Senegal, España, Spain, Zapatero

octubre 2, 2007

Zapatero trying to stop the Senegalese immigrants / Z trata de parar a los inmigrantes senegaleses

Filed under: inmigración,PSOE,Senegal,Spain,Zapatero — Nora @ 2:20 pm

So after the policy of “papers for all”, and all the demagoguery displayed by Zapatero, firstly, Spanish had to pay for the inmmigrants to be returned to their countries and now, we are paying the counter-immigration publicity in Senegal. From CNN:

DAKAR, Senegal (AP) — In one commercial, a mother says she hasn’t seen her son since he left eight months ago. The scene cuts to a young man laying face down on a rocky shore, as Senegal’s most famous troubadour says, “You know how this story ends.”


A small boat loaded with 73 Senegalese would-be migrants sails off the Canary Island of Tenerife, Spain.

“Don’t risk your life for nothing. You are the future of Africa,” singer Youssou N’Dour tells the camera, sitting alone at night on a beached boat in one of a series of ads funded by the government of Spain, whose prosperity has lured Senegalese and other Africans desperate to escape grinding poverty at home.

Determined to curb the influx of illegal migrants, Spain has gone on the offensive [bufff, Zapatero on the offensive, this is unbelievable….], pouring $1.4 million into media campaigns in Senegal aimed at highlighting the risks of dangerous sea journeys that have claimed countless lives.

In 2006, 31,000 Senegalese reached Spain’s Canary Islands on fragile wooden boats, braving 10-days at sea and possible dehydration, starvation and death. So far this year, 7,000 more have made it. Nobody knows how many have been died trying; the boats and bodies of the unsuccessful are usually lost at sea. Otero said Spain’s best guess was that 20 to 50 percent die along the way.

Earlier this month, a migrant boat capsized just yards off the craggy coast of the Canaries, west of the Moroccan coast. Six people survived; 10 others drowned.

In Senegal’s capital, reactions to the ads have been mixed.

Why don’t they want us to go? Why are they trying to stop us?” said Bathie Ndiaye, 28. “People are just trying to improve their lives. We have nothing here.” [I wonder what your Government has done with the several million dollars Spain paid it for “rising your conditions”, so you’d never have to emigrate out of your country.. Oh, they have not told you about…. Where is that money???]

Djibril Diagne, a 38-year-old electrician, said the ads were unlikely to have impact because “the root causes of our problems remain. There are no solutions, no jobs for our youth.” As for the migrants, “if they get the chance to go, they’re going to take it,” he said.

Dario Otero, charge d’affaires at the Spanish Embassy in Dakar, said the ads were part of a broader effort to crack down on migrants that has included coastal patrols, diplomacy and deportation.

But, well, you can’t be surprised… Moratinos nearly aggreed [well, in fact as I wrote back then, we gave Senegal 15 million € each year during 5 years, and Moratinos wanted to give Africa FIVE Marshall Plans, so more money to have these results…] with Ghadaffi that Europe had to pay Africa 10.000 million euros a year to stop immigration…. And after the Minister for Labour and Social Affairs, Mr. Caldera, said that Spain was going to need 200.000 workers in 2007 to cover the working needs…

Some data:

  1. But the problem is spreading. Now the cayucos or pateras (as the boats are known here) are arriving in Alicant. The week-end of Sept. 15-16 111 arrived in Andalucia.
  2. In 2006 the illegal immigrants’ arrivals in Canary Islands rose by a 564%.
  3. 3000 Bolivians entered Spain only in ONE week.
  4. The Canarian Government during the surge in illegal immigration: If Spain had the same population’s density as we have now, it would have 134 millions (now, it has around 42 millions).
  5. In Dec 2006 there were one million and a half of alliens in Spain. More than 800.000 entered that same year.


España pagará la publicidad para evitar que vengan más inmigrantes desde Senegal. Según CNN, en uno de los anuncios de TV, una madre dice que no ha visto a su hijo desde que se fue 8 meses atrás. la escena se corta y se ve a un hombre muerto cabeza abajo en una playa con rocas, mientras el más famoso cantante de Senegal, canta “Así termina la historia.”

“No arriesgues tu vida por nada. Eres el futuro de África”, dice a la cámara el cantante Youssou N’Dour , sentado solo de noche en una lancha, en uno de los anuncios que ha pagado el Gobierno español. La prosperidad española ha atraído a los senegaleses y a otros africanos, desesperados por escapar de la pobreza creciente en su casa.Determinados a disminuir el flujo de inmigrantes, España ha pasado a la ofensiva (sí, Zapatero, ahí a la ofensiva, atacando, atacando,… ehh, no que eso es un término militar y ya se sabe…], gastándose un millón cuatrocientos mil dólares (o sea, 1.400.000 dólares) en campañas mediáticas en Senegal para subrayar los riesgos de las jornadas peligroas en el mar que se han cobrado incontables vidas.

En 2006, 31.000 senegaleses llegaron a las Islas Canarias en cayucos, enfrentándose a 10 días en el mar, con posible deshidratación, hambre y muerte. Este año 7.000 más han llegado (si te parece, van a ser los mismos). Nadie sabe cuántos han podido morir intentándolo; los cayucos y los cuerpos normalmente se pierden en el mar. Se dice que se cree (tan poco subjetivo, ¿eh?) que entre un 20 y un 50% han muerto en el camino.

Al principio de este mes, un bote de inmigrantes naufragó a poca distancia de la costa de las Canarias, al oeste de la costa marroquí. Seis personas sobrevivieron, otras 10 se ahogaron.

En la capital de Senegal, las reacciones a los anuncios han sido encontradas.

“¿Por qué no quieren que vayamos? ¿Por qué están tratando de pararnos? dice Bathie Ndiaye, 28 años. “La gente sólo quiere mejorar sus vidas. No tenemos nada aquí.” [Pues dí a tu Gobierno que os dé los 8 millones de dólares que le pagamos los españoles en ese momento, más los 15 que le íbamos a dar cada año desde 2006, para que mejorara las condiciones allí y que no tuviérais que venir. ¿Qué? ¿A que no os los ha dado?]

Djibril Diagne, un electricitsta de 38 años, dice que los anuncios no tendrán mucho impacto porque “las raíces están aquí. No hay soluciones, no hay trabajo para nuestros jóvenes.” En cuanto a los inmigrantes, si tienen ocasión, “la van a aprovechar.

Lo que vuelve a demostrar que este Gobierno no sabe dónde tiene la mano derecha. Porque Senegal aceptó colaborar en la lucha contra la inmigración a cambio de 8 millones de euros más otros 15 millones anuales durante 5 años -está en los links de arriba, en inglés- precisamente para detener la inmigración ilegal y después de condonarle la deuda lo que supone otros 2 millones de euros añadidos. La última medida era para agradecer al Gobierno senegalés su “receptividad” en los acuerdos…

Podeis ver estas reflexiones sobre la inmigración en el verano del 2006. Para refrescarnos la memoria…

Y si os quereis tronchar de la risa, leed este post de Socialista Honrado. O asustaros de sus… profecías.

marzo 4, 2007

Report of the International Narcotics Control Board for 2006

Filed under: Afganistán,Bolivia,Europa,Iran,Rusia,Senegal,Spain,USA — Nora @ 11:36 pm

One of my preferred South-American blogs is Argentinian Blogbis (in Spanish) because of their innate irony and realistic approach. I really read it nearly everyday.

So yesterday I found this:

Today was released a report from the State Department that assures that the Bolivarian Venezuela has been transformed into the main country for the transport of drugs to Western countries, and adds that the main cause for this is that there is a «frail justice» and a «corrupt atmosphere».

Bolivia, at the same time, confirms its position as 3rd world producer of cocaine, raising its production, as they have lowered the goals of elimination of producer fields.

Even if you do not believe the State Department, UN decentralised body International Narcotics Control Board (INCB), has released its annual report (English, Español), in which they state their worries about Bolivian intention to raise the «legal» production of coca and confirms the Venezuelan role as the distributor and logistical expert.

And guess what?:

In Colombia, despite eradication efforts, the total area under illicit coca bush cultivation in 2005 increased by 6,000 hectares to 86,000 hectares. That represents a decline of 47 per cent compared with the peak annual estimate of 163,300 hectares in 2000. Illicit coca bush cultivation in Colombia spread rapidly to areas where it had not been detected before. The most significant increase was noted in two areas bordering Ecuador and Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of). A total of 170,070 hectares of coca bush were eradicated in Colombia in 2005, mainly through aerial spraying. The intensive eradication efforts in Colombia continued also in 2006. By mid-September 2006, 150,600 hectares of illicitly cultivated coca bush had been eradicated in that country.

Now search for Venezuela and:

In the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, following the use of a satellite monitoring system for the detection of illicit crop cultivation, 80 hectares of coca bush were eradicated at the country’s northwestern border with Colombia during Operation Sierra, conducted in November 2005.

Yes, I know, Colombia has huge drug plantation but Venezuela only has 80 hectares?

But let get on with it:

According to the European Police Office (Europol), every year almost 250 tons of cocaine enter the European Union, the second largest market for cocaine after the United States. Most of the cocaine is transported by sea from Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Suriname and Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) to the main European seaports. Sizeable amounts of cocaine are also smuggled into Europe by air courier.

[…] 407. In the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, the total volume of cocaine seizures increased in 2005 by 87 per cent, to 58.4 tons; a further 23 tons of cocaine were seized in the first nine months of 2006. Most of the intercepted cocaine shipments were destined for Spain and the United Kingdom.


Heroin seizures have been reported in recent years in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of). The most significant increase in the volume of heroin seizures has been recorded in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela: in that country, heroin seizures rose steadily from 196 kg in 2000 to a record 658 kg in 2004.

What they are not saying is an estimated number of the drug that actually they could not seize. Normally, for what I know -I am not an expert ;)-, if the captures rise so severely is not only because police is more effective, but just because there is much more drug quantity passing through.

The cocaine smuggled into the United States is derived from coca produced mainly in Colombia but also in Bolivia and Peru. Mexico continues to be used as the principal trans-shipment country for cocaine entering the United States. Cocaine abuse is increasing in Mexico.

So this morning I was searching on the Internet and I discover this (HT Castro Death Watch):

Venezuela does not plan to sign an anti-drug accord with the United States, local media quoted Venezuela’s top anti-drug official as saying on Saturday, days after Washington criticized Caracas for failing to crack down on drug traffickers.

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, a close ally of Cuba who has promised to fight U.S. «imperialism,» cut off cooperation with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration in 2005, accusing the group of spying on him.

The South American nation had promised to renew the accord on different terms but repeatedly postponed signing it.

What timing, eh? Venezuela is considered the logistic center for drug distribution and about the same time they declare they are not interested in signing an anti-drug agreement… Curious, isn’t it?

Continuing with the report. About Bolivia:

The situation in Bolivia, which for many years has not been in conformity with that State’s obligations under the international drug control treaties, continues to be a matter of particular concern to the Board. Bolivia is a major producer of coca leaf, and national legislation allows the cultivation of coca bush and the consumption of coca leaf for non-medical purposes, which are not in line with the provisions of the 1961 Convention.

172. In addition, some of the coca leaf produced in accordance with national legislation in Bolivia is diverted and used for the illicit manufacture of cocaine. There is also information indicating increase in the illicit manufacture of and trafficking in cocaine base and cocaine hydrochloride in recent years, as well as an increase in trafficking in precursor chemicals used in cocaine manufacture.

173. The Government of Bolivia has indicated its intention to review existing national drug control legislation, with a view to using coca leaf for a wide range of products, some of which might be exported. The Board has followed closely the developments in Bolivia and has communicated to the Government its concern that some of the measures that the Government is about to take are not in line with the provisions of the international drug control treaties, particularly the 1961 Convention. The Board is also concerned that policy developments in Bolivia could have repercussions in other countries in South America.

Attention, Spanish colleagues:

African countries are being targeted for transshipment of cocaine. The smuggling of cocaine from South America into Europe through Africa continues unabated, with countries in Western and Central Africa being used as transit and storage areas for cocaine destined for Europe. Cocaine is trafficked from South America in large shipments along maritime routes leading predominantly to the countries surrounding the Gulf of Guinea, where it is re-packaged and smuggled by air by couriers into Europe or dispatched via parcel post. The most affected countries are Benin, Cape Verde, Ghana, Guinea-Bissau, Nigeria and Togo, while Ghana is serving as a major trans-shipment area and logistics base. Increasingly, Guinea-Bissau is being used by criminal groups from Latin America for the trans-shipment of cocaine. In September 2006, police in Guinea-Bissau seized 674 kg of cocaine and arrested two suspected smugglers, together with arms and radio and other equipment. Senegal has also become a transit country. Another matter of concern is that criminal organizations from South America involved in cocaine trafficking are reportedly linking with criminal groups involved in cannabis trafficking in Morocco and Spain.

Does it have something to do with the huge illegal immigration Spain had last year, especially from Senegal? In the report it is said that they are not only using the ships to transport the drugs but also people. I am not saying this is the only cause, though. But are drug mafias using this poor immigrants to transport the drugs and help them to pay for the trip in the cayuco?

Also: relationship of Turkey, Russian Federation, Afghanistan and Iran in world production and distribution of heroin:

Most of the heroin found in Europe comes from Afghanistan. According to the World Drug Report 2006, in Europe seizures of opiates rose by 49 per cent in 2004 to 29 tons, the highest figure ever recorded. The increase in seizures of opiates in Europe was mainly attributable to the fact that such seizures doubled in South-Eastern Europe, especially in Albania, Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Turkey. Record seizures of opiates were also made in the Russian Federation. Most of the heroin continues to be smuggled in trucks. The heroin on the illicit market in Europe is mainly smuggled from Turkey along the Balkan route, via Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary. In addition, a southern branch of the Balkan route has developed: heroin and other opiates from Turkey are smuggled via Bulgaria and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia into Albania, Italy, Austria and Germany. There have been reports of shipments of opiates from Afghanistan to the Islamic Republic of Iran being smuggled through the Caucasus into Ukraine and then into Romania before reaching their final destinations in Western Europe. The northern route through Central Asia is increasingly being used to transport heroin to other major illicit markets for heroin, such as the Russian Federation and countries in Eastern Europe. A new route for smuggling heroin from East Asia into the United Kingdom was recently uncovered, resulting in the interception of heroin consignments at ports in the United Kingdom.

Has someone from the Euroweenies (he, he, I love this term) reflected about the enlargement of EU, the freedom of circulation of goods and people and the easier it is to transport this kind of goods? No control of frontiers, huge number of illegal immigrants of whom we do not know even their real names, no real cohesion… and lots of mafias controlling huge profitable and illicit products…


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