Spanish Pundit (II)

septiembre 27, 2007

Myanmar soldiers fire weapons into crowd – China continues blocking democracy

Filed under: Birmania,China,dictadura,France,represión,Russia — Nora @ 11:41 pm

And more about the repression to the Saffron revolution:

Myanmar soldiers fire weapons into crowd – Yahoo! News

Soldiers fired automatic weapons into a crowd of anti-government protesters Thursday as tens of thousands defied the ruling military junta’s crackdown with a 10th straight day of demonstrations.
A Japanese Foreign Ministry official told The Associated Press that several people, including a Japanese national, were found dead following Thursday’s protests.

The information was transmitted by Myanmar’s Foreign Ministry to the Japanese Embassy in Yangon, the official said on condition of anonymity citing protocol.

The chaos came a day after the government launched a crackdown in Yangon that it said killed at least one man. Dissidents outside Myanmar reported receiving news of up to eight deaths Wednesday.

Some reports said the dead included Buddhist monks, who are widely revered in Myanmar, and the emergence of such martyrs could stoke public anger against the regime and escalate the violence.

As part of the crackdown, monasteries were raided overnight by pro-junta forces in which monks were reportedly beaten and more than 100 were arrested.

The regime is searching for journalists throughout hotels, because it’s rumoured that there are some of them who have entered the country with a tourist visa…

[My mother, who is not normally interested in international news, is absolutely outraged… And I didn’t have time to explain anything to her. After that, she is really angry… ]

And China is just supporting its strategic partnership with the Junta, and pushing Russia to support her:

During the session, China denied its vote to a joint formal declaration which would have condemened the acts of the Military Junta during the peaceful demonstrations of these last days. It was not possible either to discuss about possible sanctions, even when the French FM Bernard Kouchner insisted in a condemnation to the Burmese leaders. The Chinese Ambassador to the UN, Wang Guangya, said after the meeting that the sanctions against Burma would not be of great help.

Of course not, China is just subsidizing the Junta, it is the 1st commercial partner and the 1st investor in the country. They are not going to shoot themselves in the foot…

(+) has posted a photo showing death in the streets.

They have also posted several videos of the protests:


De Libertad Digital:

Un destacamento de soldados birmanos han entrado en el hotel “Traders”, en el centro de Rangún, y comenzó a registrar habitación por habitación para buscar a varios periodistas extranjeros que han entrado en el país con visado de turista. En las calles, unas setenta mil personas, entre monjes y opositores, protestan contra la represión y las redadas ordenadas por la Junta Militar para acabar con las multitudinarias manifestaciones.

Según informaciones de testigos a emisoras de radio de la disidencia, el Ejército ha lanzado un ultimátum a los manifestantes para que abandonen las calles y regresen a sus casas. En caso contrario usaran sus armas. La respuesta de los opositores fueron consignas contra el régimen militar y gritos de “¡Asesinos, asesinos!” y “¡Venceremos, venceremos!”. Desde la mañana de este jueves, los enfrentamientos han dejado al menos un muerto, decenas de heridos y más de cien detenidos.

En el monasterio Ngwe Kyar Yan unas diez mil personas se enfrentaron a los soldados y policías estacionados en el lugar para impedir que se formase una nueva movilización. En la pagoda de Sule, en el casco viejo de la ciudad, otros varios cientos de personas protagonizaron una sentada, apoyando con cantos y rezos a un grupo de bonzos, hasta que los cuerpos de seguridad cargaron para dispersar la protesta con disparos y botes de humo. Los manifestantes, algunos de ellos con heridas, escapaba por las calles adyacentes de la carga.

Y China sigue apoyando a su aliado, que no es otro que la Junta birmana. Leed el link, incluido en la parte en inglés, que he puesto más arriba de DE.

Iran building new clandestine nuclear facility? (+) – ¿Está construyendo Irán una nueva central nuclear clandestina?

Filed under: Bolivia,IAEA,Iran,UN,Venezuela — Nora @ 11:10 pm

That is at least what an opposition group is saying:

An Iranian resistance group claimed Thursday that Iran is constructing a secret, new underground military nuclear facility near its Natanz uranium enrichment plant.The claim, made by the National Council of Resistance of Iran at a Paris news conference, could not be independently verified. The group said it has passed its information, which it said came from sources inside Iran, to the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, Austria, but has so far not received a response.

The opposition group claimed that the site is 5 kilometers (3 miles) south of the Natanz plant, located under a mountain called Siah Kooh, which it said would help protect it from any air strike. It said the site includes two tunnels with entrances 6 meters (20 feet) in diameter and that a third tunnel links the alleged facility to Natanz.

(+) Chávez and Morales (Venezuelan and Bolivian President respectively) receive Ahmadinejad as a “friend and ally” in their “crusade” against “US imperialism”. Hugo Chávez and Ahmadinejad will sign agreements of bilateral cooperation in energetic matters. With Evo Morales, the Iranian would obtain authorization to explore and exploit the lithium and uranium deposits in Potosí. The Israeli Venezuelan organizations have repudiated publicly the presence of the man who wants to “wipe Israel off the map”.

Last years, the energetic agreements between Venezuela and Iran rise a total amount of $17.000 million.

The Bolivian opposition has said this is going to be very “damaging” for Bolivian relationship with Europe.

Kate has more.


Un grupo de la oposición iraní ha denunciado que se está construyendo en Irán otra nueva planta secreta, bajo tierra, cerca de Natanz. La denuncia, que no ha podido ser verificada, señala la localización en una montaña llamada Siah Kooh, que la protegería de cualquier ataque aéreo y tiene dos túneles con entradas de 6 metros de diámetro y otros que la unen a Natanz.

También han añadido que han comunicado la denuncia a la AIEA pero que no han recibido contestación…

Normal… desgraciadamente…

(+) Los presidentes de Bolivia y Venezuela recibirán este jueves en La Paz y Caracas a Mahmud Ahmadineyad como un “hermano y aliado” en su particular cruzada contra el “imperialismo de EEUU”. Hugo Chávez y Ahmadineyad firmarán acuerdos de cooperación bilateral en materia energética. Con Evo Morales, el iraní podría obtener autorización para la exploración y explotación de yacimientos de litio y uranio en Potosí. Las organizaciones israelitas venezolanas han repudiado públicamente la presencia de quien pretende “borrar” a Israel del “mapa”.


Filed under: Birmania/Burma,Communism,DDHH/HR,dictadura/dictatorship — Nora @ 6:46 pm

The crackdown continues. At wits endSick
News from The Associated Press

Soldiers with automatic rifles fired into crowds of anti-government demonstrators Thursday, killing at least nine people in the bloodiest day in more than a month of protests demanding an end to military rule.Bloody sandals lay scattered on some streets as protesters fled shouting «Give us freedom, give us freedom!»

On the second day of a brutal crackdown, truckloads of troops in riot gear also raided Buddhist monasteries on the outskirts of Yangon, beating and arresting dozens of monks, witnesses and Western diplomats said. Japan protested the killing of a Japanese photographer.

Daily demonstrations by tens of thousands have grown into the stiffest challenge to the ruling junta in two decades, a crisis that began Aug. 19 with rallies against a fuel price hike then escalated dramatically when monks began joining the protests.

With the government ignoring international appeals for restraint, troops fired into packs of demonstrators in at least four locations in Yangon, witnesses and a Western diplomat said. Protesters – some shouting «Give us freedom!» – dodged roadblocks and raced down alleys in a defiant game of cat and mouse with soldiers and riot police that went on for most of the day.

Some 70,000 protesters were on the streets at the height of the chaos, though the total was difficult to estimate as different groups broke up and later reformed.

Sandals were strewn by a pool of blood at one spot where people fled approaching police. In a brave challenge, a bare-chested man emerged from one crowd to advance toward riot officers, then was felled by a rubber bullet and suffered a beating by officers who took him away.

They are fighting bravely against the Junta:

Local residents in South Okkalapa township have surrounded security forces who returned to Ngway Kyar Yan monastery to arrest the abbot following last night’s raids.

At least 130 monks were detained in the raid on the monastery, and personal belongings including robes, rice and 2,000,000 Kyat in cash were seized.

Security forces returned at around noon today to arrest the abbot and took up positions surrounding the monastery.

But hundreds of thousands of local residents, outraged by the raids, surrounded the troops, shouting anti-government slogans and demanding the immediate release of the detained monks.

Other developments today:

  1. Burma says it will issue a visa to UN special envoy Ibrahim Gambari, who is being urgently sent to the country
  2. the Association of South-East Asian Nations voices «revulsion» at the killings and urges Burma – one of its members – to exercise restraint
  3. UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour warns Burmese leaders that they could be prosecuted for their actions


Found in

Last news are that Kyang Kyang, General Than Swe’s wife, their daughter, Thadar Swe and their grandson have taken a plane to go abroad. Something which is really worrying. 😦

USA has announced sanctions against 14 Burmese officials.

Oh, and Myanmar is how the Junta named the country, so the Burmese people are not very fond of it. 😉

(+) Kate has sent me some photos about the monks’ protests in New York:





(+) More photos on the crackdown h/t GP:


Para los lectores españoles. La pancarta dice «Ojalá todos los seres humanos puedan vivir bien y felices; ojalá puedan ser libres del peligro y de la enemistad; ojalá puedan vivir pacíficamente«. Angel ¿Cómo alguien puede hacer daño a quien mantiene ese credo? Cobardes…


The result of the crackdown: a monk’s sandals totally stained with blood.


This man has no legs but yet he stands against the military. This is a real brave man!Applause

And about the Chinese investment in Burma: Oil,Timber,Rice.


En español:

La Junta Militar birmana acepta la entrada al país del enviado de la ONU.

China y Rusia evitan una condena de la ONU. capullos Angry ( y siento el lenguaje…).

El Ejército birmano reprime una manifestación a tiros y causa al menos 9 muertos.

Al iniciarse el día, una inmensa multitud se había reunido de nuevo en torno a la pagoda Sule. «Les damos 10 minutos. Si no se van, emplearemos medidas extremas», gritaron los soldados a través de megáfonos. Poco después, por lo menos 100 personas habían sido detenidas y obligadas a subir a camiones militares, mientras los otros manifestantes huían corriendo por las calles del centro, explicaron los testigos.

Los jóvenes, acompañados por unos 20 monjes budistas, cantaron el himno nacional birmano mientras encaraban a decenas de policías y soldados armados que les impedían el paso, afirmaron los testigos.

«El general Aung San nunca habría ordenado al ejército que matase al pueblo», gritaron, en referencia al difunto héroe de la independencia birmana y padre de la líder pro democrática y premio Nobel de la Paz Aung San Suu Kyi.

EEUU anuncia sanciones contra 14 altos cargos birmanos.Applause

¿Un nuevo Tiananmen?

El último episodio acontecido en la revuelta popular de Birmania hace temer lo peor. Anoche, Kyaing Kyaing, esposa del jefe de la Junta Militar, el general Than Shwe, acompañada de su hija, Thadar Shwe, y de uno de sus nietos, tomó un vuelo de Air Bagan en primera clase y abandonó el país.

La situación de Birmania (formalmente Myanmar, nombre que, por cierto, la oposición no acepta porque fue una ocurrencia del nuevo orden castrense) no ha hecho más que ir a peor desde que el pasado 19 de agosto la Junta Militar que gobierna el país con mano de hierro decidiera subir el precio del combustible un 500%.

La revuelta popular de estos días, a diferencia de la que desencadenó la matanza de 1988, está liderada por el movimiento budista, y encabezada por los monjes de la gran pagoda de Shwedagon, el primer santuario del país, símbolo de la nación, que hasta ahora no se había destacado por su hostilidad al régimen.

En el país no se celebran elecciones legislativas desde 1990, cuando Aung San Suu Kyi, al frente de la Liga Nacional por la Democracia (LND), consiguió una victoria abrumadora que la facción militar se negó a reconocer y que resolvió disolviendo el parlamento y encarcelándola, para más tarde ponerla bajo un arresto domiciliario que todavía hoy continúa.

Desde entonces, Than Shwe, mantiene a su país sometido a un régimen de terror y secretos, fortaleciendo el papel del ejército y asfixiando toda aspiración democrática. Además, en este tiempo, se ha esforzado por lograr un acercamiento a China, Rusia, India y Tailandia, países muy interesados en los recursos naturales birmanos, fundamentalmente el gas. Y a tenor de los acontecimientos, lo ha conseguido: El Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU instó ayer a la Junta Militar a ejercer la «contención» en sus actos violentos contra la población civil, pero el veto de China evitó la condena del máximo órgano de Naciones Unidas contra el régimen.

Y otra vez los recursos energéticos de por medio.

This is a post run for the campaign of Bloggers against Abuse.

Videos to watch (+)

Filed under: Antiterrorismo/Counterterrorism,Iraq/Irak — Nora @ 5:51 pm

My Spanish friend Aquiles sent me this video from «insurgents»‘ propaganda in Iraq. A must see, specially considering that, as Aquiles says:

These killers pretend they are very funny, and think that outside USA we are going to laugh about their «jokes», but they don’t know how mistaken they are. Surely, the national and international leftists are going to laugh heartily seeing these videos, but to me, with each vehicle they are exploding, they are only reminding me about the Spanish soldiers who have being killed in Afghanistan in similar circumstances, two of them only two days ago. So, THEY AREN’T FUNNY AT ALL.

The other two videos were posted by friend-blogger David Drake to remember the 9-11.You can see them here. Totally different and supporting the people who really merit our support.

(I can’t post here the videos, because they are javascript and this blog does not admit it I dont know).

(+) But 19,000 terrorists have been killed in Iraq! Hmm, this is not going to please a lot of people…

More than 19,000 militants have been killed in fighting with coalition forces since the insurgency began more than four years ago, according to military statistics released for the first time.

The statistics show that 4,882 militants were killed in clashes with coalition forces this year, a 25% increase over all of last year.


El PP pregunta a Leire Pajín a qué va a Cuba y qué aportará a los derechos humanos

Filed under: Communism,dictadura/dictatorship,España/Spain — Nora @ 5:37 pm

Libertad Digital: El PP pregunta a Leire Pajín a qué va a Cuba y qué aportará a los derechos humanos

El PP quiere conocer la agenda de Leire Pajín en Cuba. La secretaria de Estado de Cooperación ha iniciado este miércoles un viaje oficial sin que el Gobierno haya publicitado sus objetivos. Gonzalo Robles, diputado y portavoz del PP en asuntos de Ayuda al Desarrollo, ha recordado a Libertad Digital la agresión a los Derechos Humanos por la dictadura castrista y se pregunta si la secretaria de Estado «pondrá al fin condiciones al régimen antes de seguir transfiriendo fondos de ayuda al desarrollo«.

[…] De los 37 países que reciben ayuda de la cooperación española de los que tenemos datos», indica, «tan sólo hay 12 en los que este índice muestra una mejora, 6 se mantienen y en 19 países hay un empeoramiento».



Popular Party is going to ask the Government why the Secretary of State for International Cooperation, Leyre Pajín, is going to travel to Cuba, considering that the aggressions to Human Rights by the Castro’s brothers’ dictatorship continue. They are also asking if she is going to put some conditions in order to transfer more Cooperation funds.

The numbers are truly worrying: of the 32 countries which receive Spanish foreign aid, only in twelve, Human Rights are showing some kind of improvement, in 6 it’s the same, and in 19 it is worsening.


Juicio por el atentado de ETA en Vallecas

Filed under: Antiterrorismo/Counterterrorism,España/Spain,ETA — Nora @ 5:22 pm

MSN Noticias

Hoy arrancó en la Audiencia Nacional el juicio por el atentado que ETA perpetró en Vallecas en diciembre de 1995, uno de los más sangrientos de la banda terrorista, que acabó con el terrible saldo de seis funcionarios de la Armada muertos y otras 44 personas heridas. Los etarras Juan Antonio Olarra Guridi y Ainhoa Múgica Goñi se sentaron en el banquillo de los acusados como miembros del ‘comando Madrid’ que cometió el atentado en el Puente de Vallecas La Fiscalía pide para los acusados, que se negaron a declarar ante la sala, una pena de 986 años de prisión. En todo caso, el Ministerio Público solicitó al tribunal la posibilidad de que se juzgue a los etarras de acuerdo al Código Penal de 1973 y no al de 1995, lo que elevaría la petición de pena para cada uno hasta los 1.243 años de prisión.El juicio, que mañana quedará visto para sentencia, comenzó una hora más tarde debido a que Olarra Guridi fue llamado a declarar ante el juez que estaba de guardia de la Audiencia Nacional, en este caso el magistrado Fernando Andreu, por su presunta implicación en la colocación de una bomba en una comisaria de Irún en 1991.

The terrorist attack of Vallecas (Madrid) happened on Dec 11st 1995, and six civil servants from Spanish Navy were killed in the most horrible manner.

The process against their killers has begun today in Madrid (ohh, that quick justice….) and the prosecutor’s office are asking for 986 prison years. Anyway, in the event they are finally condemned they are not going to serve more than 40, the biggest time someone can stay in prison in Spain.

The prosecutor’s office has also asked if they could be tried with the Penal Code of 1973 (the actual Penal Code had not come into effect at the time of the bombings). As a result of that, they could get 1.243 years. But in that case, the reductions -for good conduct…- would not be applied on the 1.243 but on the higher time one could serve then, that was 30 years.

In my case, I prefer they would be tried with today’s Code.

In other news, about ETA today:

  1. Eta menaces Spain: «We will use all our weapons at our disposal to free Euskal Herria«.
  2. Zapatero continues in his usual line: «If I win again» -Oh, please, don’t 😈 -, «I will continue the negotiation«.

h/t Reflexiones de la era ZP.

(Nota: si el dueño de la foto no quiere que la postee o quiere cualquier otra cuestión al respecto, me escribe un mail a ladyvorzheva en gmail punto com y arreglamos la cuestión…).

Help to identify this little girl!

Filed under: Campañas/Campaigns,Protect the children — Nora @ 4:15 pm

From CNN:

Authorities trying to aid two girls seen in a sexually explicit videotape say they have identified one and were showing images of the other Thursday in the hopes that someone would recognize her.


Police want to know the identity of this little girl, who appears to be 4 or 5.

The tape was turned in to police by a man who said he found it in the desert.

It shows a man performing sex acts on a girl around 4 or 5 years old, and shows a girl believed to be 10 to 12 years old appearing in «some kind of peep show,» said Nye County sheriff’s detective David Boruchowitz.

Authorities hope identifying the girls will help them locate the abuser.

Still photos of the younger girl, fully clothed, have been widely broadcast. Boruchowitz announced Thursday that the older girl had been identified.

He said the photos of the younger girl were being released because her life could be in danger.

«She could still be in this situation and (be) abused currently as we speak,» Boruchowitz said.

«The easiest way to explain it is if you can imagine the absolute worst things that can happen to a little girl at the hands of an adult male, that has happened and beyond,» he said of the video. «It is by far the most heinous and horrible thing that you can possibly imagine on there.» Video Watch authorities describe the disturbing case »

The older girl did not appear to have been sexually abused on the tape and the footage appeared to have been shot from a different room, Boruchowitz said.

Just repost it at your site, right? Someone could know her. This is outrageous.

This is a post run for the campaign of Bloggers against Abuse.

Myanmar soldiers fire weapons into crowd – China continues blocking democracy

And more about the repression to the Saffron revolution:

Myanmar soldiers fire weapons into crowd – Yahoo! News

Soldiers fired automatic weapons into a crowd of anti-government protesters Thursday as tens of thousands defied the ruling military junta’s crackdown with a 10th straight day of demonstrations.
A Japanese Foreign Ministry official told The Associated Press that several people, including a Japanese national, were found dead following Thursday’s protests.

The information was transmitted by Myanmar’s Foreign Ministry to the Japanese Embassy in Yangon, the official said on condition of anonymity citing protocol.

The chaos came a day after the government launched a crackdown in Yangon that it said killed at least one man. Dissidents outside Myanmar reported receiving news of up to eight deaths Wednesday.

Some reports said the dead included Buddhist monks, who are widely revered in Myanmar, and the emergence of such martyrs could stoke public anger against the regime and escalate the violence.

As part of the crackdown, monasteries were raided overnight by pro-junta forces in which monks were reportedly beaten and more than 100 were arrested.

The regime is searching for journalists throughout hotels, because it’s rumoured that there are some of them who have entered the country with a tourist visa…

[My mother, who is not normally interested in international news, is absolutely outraged… And I didn’t have time to explain anything to her. After that, she is really angry… ]

And China is just supporting its strategic partnership with the Junta, and pushing Russia to support her:

During the session, China denied its vote to a joint formal declaration which would have condemened the acts of the Military Junta during the peaceful demonstrations of these last days. It was not possible either to discuss about possible sanctions, even when the French FM Bernard Kouchner insisted in a condemnation to the Burmese leaders. The Chinese Ambassador to the UN, Wang Guangya, said after the meeting that the sanctions against Burma would not be of great help.

Of course not, China is just subsidizing the Junta, it is the 1st commercial partner and the 1st investor in the country. They are not going to shoot themselves in the foot…

(+) has posted a photo showing death in the streets.

They have also posted several videos of the protests.


De Libertad Digital:

Un destacamento de soldados birmanos han entrado en el hotel «Traders», en el centro de Rangún, y comenzó a registrar habitación por habitación para buscar a varios periodistas extranjeros que han entrado en el país con visado de turista. En las calles, unas setenta mil personas, entre monjes y opositores, protestan contra la represión y las redadas ordenadas por la Junta Militar para acabar con las multitudinarias manifestaciones.

Según informaciones de testigos a emisoras de radio de la disidencia, el Ejército ha lanzado un ultimátum a los manifestantes para que abandonen las calles y regresen a sus casas. En caso contrario usaran sus armas. La respuesta de los opositores fueron consignas contra el régimen militar y gritos de «¡Asesinos, asesinos!» y «¡Venceremos, venceremos!». Desde la mañana de este jueves, los enfrentamientos han dejado al menos un muerto, decenas de heridos y más de cien detenidos.

En el monasterio Ngwe Kyar Yan unas diez mil personas se enfrentaron a los soldados y policías estacionados en el lugar para impedir que se formase una nueva movilización. En la pagoda de Sule, en el casco viejo de la ciudad, otros varios cientos de personas protagonizaron una sentada, apoyando con cantos y rezos a un grupo de bonzos, hasta que los cuerpos de seguridad cargaron para dispersar la protesta con disparos y botes de humo. Los manifestantes, algunos de ellos con heridas, escapaba por las calles adyacentes de la carga.

Y China sigue apoyando a su aliado, que no es otro que la Junta birmana. Leed el link, incluido en la parte en inglés, que he puesto más arriba de DE. 👿

Opposition group: Iran building new clandestine nuclear facility (+)

Filed under: En español,In English,Irán/Iran,Islamismo/Islamism — Nora @ 10:10 am

Opposition group: Iran building new clandestine nuclear facility | Jerusalem Post

An Iranian resistance group claimed Thursday that Iran is constructing a secret, new underground military nuclear facility near its Natanz uranium enrichment plant.The claim, made by the National Council of Resistance of Iran at a Paris news conference, could not be independently verified. The group said it has passed its information, which it said came from sources inside Iran, to the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, Austria, but has so far not received a response.

The opposition group claimed that the site is 5 kilometers (3 miles) south of the Natanz plant, located under a mountain called Siah Kooh, which it said would help protect it from any air strike. It said the site includes two tunnels with entrances 6 meters (20 feet) in diameter and that a third tunnel links the alleged facility to Natanz.

(+) Chávez and Morales (Venezuelan and Bolivian President respectively) receive Ahmadinejad as a «friend and ally» in their «crusade» against «US imperialism». Hugo Chávez and Ahmadinejad will sign agreements of bilateral cooperation in energetic matters. With Evo Morales, the Iranian would obtain authorization to explore and exploit the lithium and uranium deposits in Potosí. The Israeli Venezuelan organizations have repudiated publicly the presence of the man who wants to «wipe Israel off the map».

Last years, the energetic agreements between Venezuela and Iran rise a total amount of $17.000 million.

The Bolivian opposition has said this is going to be very «damaging» for Bolivian relationship with Europe.

Kate has more.


Un grupo de la oposición iraní ha denunciado que se está construyendo en Irán otra nueva planta secreta, bajo tierra, cerca de Natanz. La denuncia, que no ha podido ser verificada, señala la localización en una montaña llamada Siah Kooh, que la protegería de cualquier ataque aéreo y tiene dos túneles con entradas de 6 metros de diámetro y otros que la unen a Natanz.

También han añadido que han comunicado la denuncia a la AIEA pero que no han recibido contestación…

Normal… desgraciadamente…

(+) Los presidentes de Bolivia y Venezuela recibirán este jueves en La Paz y Caracas a Mahmud Ahmadineyad como un «hermano y aliado» en su particular cruzada contra el «imperialismo de EEUU». Hugo Chávez y Ahmadineyad firmarán acuerdos de cooperación bilateral en materia energética. Con Evo Morales, el iraní podría obtener autorización para la exploración y explotación de yacimientos de litio y uranio en Potosí. Las organizaciones israelitas venezolanas han repudiado públicamente la presencia de quien pretende «borrar» a Israel del «mapa». is not reachable!!! (+)

Filed under: Birmania,blogosphere — Nora @ 6:16 am can’t be accessed. The page says it has some errors. But some hours ago it was totally on.

What has happened??? Has it been hacked??

(+) It’s online again. Uffffffffff! P

Related posts:

  1. Military Junta threatens to kill anyone who does not obey curfew (+)
  2. Five monks killed in Burma (+)
  3. Toque de queda en Rangún – Curfews in Burma (+) (+)
  4. Myanmar anti-junta protests biggest in 20 years (+)
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